PFC's 2022 Impact eReport


Greg Von Tobel President & Founder

Dear Friends and Stakeholders, G reetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here we are again, one year later and I absolutely marvel at how the Lord is working through ordinary men and women of this ministry. 2022, in many ways, was a test year for us as the world was slowly coming out of two years of the pandemic. It was a test year for PFC on many different fronts. Last year we tipped-toed into international travel, taking three different trips, not knowing quite what to expect. All went well as we navigated through international airports under new guidelines and restrictions. It is a new world and we need to be trained and ready for battle. On our first test trip to Kenya I caught and suffered in bed for two days with Covid. I am glad I understand what it is like to be so sick on foreign soil. I had truly comforting and supportive teammates who nurtured me back to health, to the Glory of God. Our second trip was to Ethiopia, which was exciting as we planted our first Prison Church Plant as well as an International Bible Institute (IBI) in this country. I remained illness-free on the field but when I got back to America, once again was very sick. Our third trip was to the two countries of Guatemala and Honduras, both new places to PFC. We had the added joy and honor of being introduced to two of the Supreme Court Justices of Guatemala, who gave us two hours of their time to build relationships. This was one of the great highlights of that trip. I stayed healthy during the trip and when I returned. You can see images from this trip on page 7. Our literature department exploded during 2022 because there were still many institutions across the country that were completely shut down to in-person ministry. This rapidly growing department is a jewel of the ministry. Additionally, our Zoom Training Conferences and Zoom Prison Crusades played vital roles in PFC’s ministry opportunities. Video training is a game changer for us and we hope to do more of this kind of training in the future. Another milestone came in 2022 with the design of our first ever PFC flag. I had the distinct opportunity to present it to the first country this year, in February, in both Southern and Northern Cameroon. Our brothers and sisters were absolutely ecstatic over having this flag. To all of you who have prayed for us and have given sacrificially, a huge thank you. We can’t do this work without you. May the good Lord return to you a thousand-fold for all that you do. Your friend and brother in Christ, Greg Von Tobel


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