PFC's 2022 Impact eReport


Many prisoners want to go into ministry once their time has been served, but this can be difficult when most churches and other ministries require some type of degree for those they employ in full-time ministry. It can also be hard for a newly-released person to try enrolling in school while dealing with all the other challenges that go along with release. The answer? A program has been developed that allows inmates

The mission of Lifeline Global is to glorify God by inspiring and equipping men and women, with church and community involvement, to become the godly parents, whom God has designed them to be. Lifeline Global has a program for fathers called “Malachi Dads” and one for mothers called “Hannah’s Gift.” “Malachi Dads” helps fathers understand and live up to their biblical responsibility as fathers, breaking the generational curses that plague so many families affected by incarceration. “Hannah’s Gift” is modeled after the life of Hannah and her son (the prophet Samuel) as told in the first two chapters of First Samuel, showing incarcerated mothers how to parent from a distance. Prisoners For Christ partnered with Lifeline Global by producing the video version of the “Hannah’s Gift” curriculum and sharing it with them. In turn, Lifeline Global produced “Malachi Dads” and shared the videos with Prisoners For Christ. to earn a Christian Ministry Certificate while they serve out their time. Prisoners For Christ, in partnership with The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI), has classes running at the Monroe Correctional Complex in Monroe, WA. This is a 4-year course of intense study that provides seminary-level classes through a module-based curriculum with courses in Biblical Studies, Theology and Ethics, Christian Ministry, and Urban Missions.

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered, step-based program. Many have found freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups while participating in this program. CR has a prison ministry arm called CR Inside. PFC is partnering with regional CR Inside leaders to bring this program to western Washington facilities, including the Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent, WA.


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