List of all winners in the Promoting Opportunity (Through Social Mobility) category Her Majesty The Queen has been graciously pleased to confer Her Awards in 2018 upon the following business units in recognition of their outstanding achievements in Promoting Opportunity (Through Social Mobility) Busy Bees Nurseries Outstanding outcomes for apprentices drawn from all backgrounds in the communities we serve Census Data Ltd trading as Census Group Changing lives, changing perceptions and helping people to take a second chance Dale Power Solutions Ltd Making a sustainable contribution to social mobility and employability opportunities through apprenticeship s Esh Holdings Ltd Employers are responsible for ensuring young people are employable, collaborating through BMS makes that achievable Grant Thornton UK LLP Unlocking the potential for growth in our people, clients and our communities to shape a vibrant economy for the UK Willmott Dixon Willmott Dixon is a privately owned national construction and fit-out company that believes it has a purpose beyond profit
The Queen’s Awards have themselves demonstrated an innovative approach over the years and introduced new categories and updates to ensure their relevance within current business markets. And so a new award was welcomed in 2017, entitled Promoting Opportunity (Through Social Mobility), to acknowledge companies that are making great strides in putting into place employment schemes, training opportunities and youth development programmes. Despite this award being only in its second year, it has attracted entries from some heavyweight companies, including Grant Thornton LLP and Willmott Dixon, both of which attained the award in 2018. Promoting Opportunity (Through Social Mobility) offers companies an opportunity to be rewarded for and share their motivational stories from across the UK. As well as being the newest category in The Queen’s Awards portfolio, it is also the smallest, with six winners for 2018. The general eligibility criteria for The Queen’s Awards can be found on the website To apply for the Promoting Opportunity award, your company must also meet the following additional criteria: Criteria... PROMOTING OPPORTUNITY (THROUGH SOCIAL MOBILITY)
l Had a social mobility programme running for more than two years; and
l Prove that the programme benefits your organisation (for example, it has improved your reputation or led to savings in the business).
Your improvements should be in one of the following areas:
l Work experience, careers advice or mentoring for young people;
l Offering non-graduate routes such as traineeships or changing recruitment practices; or
l Giving equal support and progression opportunities to all employees.
www. queensawardsmagazine .com
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