Our ethos of bringing out ‘the best in everyone’ underpins our core values: • Ambition – to achieve the best for ourselves and others. • Confidence – to have the courage of our convictions and to take risks in the right cause. • Creativity – to imagine possibilities and make them real. • Respect – for ourselves and others in all that we do. • Enthusiasm – to seek opportunity, find what is good and pursue talents and interests. • Determination – to overcome obstacles and reach success. Our values were selected in consultation with United Learning students and staff across the country. As a single organisation, we seek to bring together the best of independent and state sectors, respecting both traditions and learning from each. We believe that each of our schools is and should be distinctive – each is committed to developing its own strengths and identity while sharing our core values as institutions which promote service, compassion and generosity. The ‘Framework for Excellence’ sets out the key principles our schools work to. They are designed to be meaningful and clear without being a straitjacket and to give school leaders space to meet the needs of their community.
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