Usually, we hear about carbon footprints in the context of reducing our own impact on the planet. But did you know that businesses, not individuals, are actually the biggest polluters out there? Even when you add everyone on Earth together, their environmental impact hardly stacks up against big business. In a 2017 report, the CDP, an organization that discloses environmental data of major businesses worldwide, states that only 100 companies have produced more than 70% of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. So if you’re a business owner, then the future is largely in your hands! Luckily, you can take dozens of easy steps to reduce your business’s carbon footprint, no matter its size. Here are a few ways to get started. 1. RETHINK YOUR LIGHTING. The less energy your company uses, the greener you’ll be! For an easy first step, swap out any incandescent bulbs in your office with LEDs or compact
fluorescent lightbulbs. Also, consider installing smart lighting or timers to reduce the time lights stay on. 2. START AN OFFICE COMPOSTING PROGRAM. I f you already recycle, then go a step further and create a composting program to capture your food waste. Add compost collection bins to your office and check with your city about composting options. If your area lacks commercial compost, then an employee with a home compost pile might love to have extra scraps! 3. SWAP OUT YOUR PLASTICS. Take inventory of everything your office uses and start making green swaps. Ditch plastic silverware in the kitchen and instead opt for a reusable set to save money and emissions. 4. CONSIDER WAYS TO CUT TRAVEL. Transportation accounted for more than 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2016. If you can limit the time you and your
employees spend traveling, then you can decimate that total! Consider letting your staff work from home and start joining more meetings virtually. 5. GET YOUR EMPLOYEES ON BOARD. When it comes to reducing emissions, nothing is more important than collective action. Don’t stop at making green changes in the office. Go the extra mile and explain the logic behind them to your employees. They might take similar eco-friendly steps in their own lives, creating a positive ripple effect. Together, you really can make a difference.
Found With Marijuana?
prosecution offices, where you will not be required to enter a guilty plea, or even set foot in a courtroom. The diversion is essentially a deal struck between your lawyer and prosecutors to keep your record clean. You will usually have to meet a few requirements, such as community service and/or classes on drug abuse. Failing to meet these requirements may land you back in court, however, so it’s key to commit to the guidelines set out in this offer. CONDITIONAL DISCHARGES For those who may or may not have a criminal record but are facing their first drug related charge, a judge may offer a similar arrangement to a pretrial diversion. You will be required to plead guilty to possession, but in exchange for agreeing to certain stipulations, the ruling will be “conditionally” dismissed. So long as you meet the court’s
conditions (which can be rigorous), the guilty charge will not be entered into your record. One misstep, however, and that guilty plea may go into full effect. FIGHTING THE CHARGES For those who already have a history of drug convictions, or are otherwise unable to meet the requirements of the above options, fighting for your rights in court is still an option. Even if it seems like the prosecution has all the evidence they need to convict you, this may not be the case. The Fourth Amendment gives you very strong rights against unlawful searches, and police often overstep these bounds while searching for marijuana. A skilled lawyer who can prove these constitutional rights were violated may be able to get your case thrown out of court.
If you’re found possessing marijuana, it can feel like the end of the world. While certain jurisdictions in this state have moved to decriminalize the substance, Georgia authorities and federal law still treat the possession of less than an ounce of the drug very seriously. But while you may think prosecutors have an open and shut case against you, make no mistake, you have options. DIVERSIONS If you have no prior criminal history, this may be the best option for you. A pretrial diversion is an option offered by some
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