


attending conferences is becoming more FYQFOTJWF The money that was set aside for this ZFBSTFYQPXBT *GDPVODJMBHSFFT to Coun. Fournier’s motion, that money would

be divided equally among the nine members of Clarence-Rockland’s council. The motion, which was seconded by Coun. Diane Choinière, will be discussed BU8FEOFTEBZT "QSJM DPVODJMNFFUJOH

different options were discussed, such as alternative venues and hosting the event at a different date and time. Lizotte said pushing the event later in May wouldn’t be ideal, as most people would want to spend time outside, many of them getting their cottages ready for the summer or taking time away from the city. Hosting the event at a venue such as the Bourget Community Centre was not an option either, as its much too small to cater UPUIFPWFSFYIJCJUPSTBOEIVOESFETPG WJTJUPSTXIPDPNFUPUIF&YQP “The timing wasn’t convenient for ven- dors, as many of them are starting to book off for the summer by the end of May,” added Lizotte. “And having an outdoor event, they would need access to a lot of electricity. I want to do right by my vendors, because without them, there is no event.” 5IF &YQP $MBSFODF3PDLMBOE UZQJDBMMZ takes place either at the end of April or beginning of May, and Lizotte said the City IBTEJTDVTTFEUIFEBUFTGPSOFYUZFBSBUUIF Clarence-Rockland Arena with maintenance scheduled to be done in time for the event. 8JUIOP&YQPUBLJOHQMBDFJO $MB - rence-Rockland Coun. Stéphane Fournier presented a notice of a motion to colleagues at last month’s city council meeting, asking to use the money allocated towards increa- sing councillors discretionary budget as

There’s widespread disappointment across the city of Clarence-Rockland with the announcement that the popular Expo will not take place in 2024. The annual event showcases what busi- nesses and service providers in the region have to offer, from small local vendors to NBKPSEFWFMPQFST UIF&910XBTBPOFTUPQ shop for all. The event takes place every year at the Clarence-Rockland Arena, but won’t happen this year due to planned maintenance to the venue. i*UXBTWFSZEJTBQQPJOUJOH UIJT UIF&YQP Clarence-Rockland) is so important to our city, our local businesses and non-profit orga- nizations,” said Clarence-Rockland Mayor Mario Zanth. “That said, we simply could not put at risk a multi-million dollar infrastructure such as our arena. This investment needed to happen as soon as possible.” 0OUPQPGUIFFYIJCJUPST BUUFOEFFTBSF entertained by live music, story-time for kids, face painting, a brunch booth and the traditional Mayor’s Breakfast with Mayor Mario Zanth. Anne Lizotte, the president of the Cla- rence-Rockland Chamber of Commerce, and the creator and organizor of the event, said


Avec l’aide du service d’incendie de Clarence-Rockland, la Police provinciale de l’Ontario a retiré un corps de la rivière des Outaouais à la marina de Rockland, dans le parc Du Moulin, le lundi 15 avril. (Lise Bertrand)


removed the remains from the water with the assistance from the Clarence-Rockland Fire Department. The investigation is ongoing and police are working to identify the individual and the circumstances surrounding their death with support from the Russell County Crime Unit and the OPP’s Forensic Identification Unit. Police do not believe there is a threat to public safety at this time.

A fisherman in Clarence-Rockland called police after spotting a floating corpse from the Rockland marina on Monday morning, April 15. The Russell detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) confirmed human remains were retrieved from the Ottawa river at the marina in Du Moulin Park. Police

Plus de gens que jamais travaillent. —ʼnƞƊ΄ĈĎ΄̖̏̏ Ά̏̏̏ ΄ſĎƂƊŜœœĎƊ΄ ƊƞſſʼnďőĎœƖåijƂĎƊ΄ƖƂåƵåijʼnʼnĎœƖ΄ åƞŃŜƞƂĈͽĮƞij΄ſåƂ΄ƂåſſŜƂƖ΄ö΄̑̏̐̍͟ ΄

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