Learn how Tidal Basin's After-Action Report/Improvement Planning services can help capture lessons learned and develop actionable plans for emergency management and public safety.
After-Action Reports and Improvement Plans (AAR/IP) Capabilities and Experience
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Ensuring that lessons observed become lessons learned.
Too often, real-world event evaluation efforts result in identifying the symptoms of a situation or response element. We have trained our teams to dig deep, getting beyond the surface challenges to diagram real issues and causes.
Tidal Basin’s After-Action Report/Improvement Planning (AAR/IP) services are based on a layered approach combining data collection, workshops, and interviews to capture lessons learned, identify best practices, and develop corrective actions. Our operational knowledge of emergency management, public safety, and public health best practices combined with our real-world experience allows us to formulate comprehensive and actionable Improvement Plans (IP). Tidal Basin’s post-incident AAR experience includes COVID-19, hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms, protests, critical utility interruptions, over 40 post-disaster reports for FEMA, and National Special Security Events (NSSE) in the National Capital Region (NCR). We also offer after-action reporting and improvement planning with our training and exercise services. When crafting your AAR, our team will work closely with you to: • P rovide on-site or virtual coordination, collaboration, and communication as rapidly and continuously as necessary • E fficiently collect data through various means and methods, including survey tools designed specifically for the respondent • D eliver well-informed assessments, analysis, and recommendations based on information collected • E nsure lessons learned are captured and preparedness efforts are enhanced
Contributed to more than 40 post-disaster reports for FEMA
Select Clients After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP)
State of New Hampshire / Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management COVID-19 After-Action Report (AAR) Services In 2020, like every other state in the U.S., New Hampshire faced a public health emergency with the advent of COVID-19. In 2023, to improve the State’s response during future pandemics, the State of New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management selected Tidal Basin to develop a comprehensive COVID-19 Response AAR/IP covering the period from January 2020 through the end of the State of Emergency in June 2021. The project focused on identifying strengths and areas needing improvement regarding processes, procedures, and capabilities related to the State’s response to the pandemic. The plan utilized a unified command structure comprised of the State’s Department of Safety, Department of Health and Human Services, and the New Hampshire National Guard. State of Hawai’i / Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the State of Hawai’i in developing multiple after-action reports and improvement plans for their response to COVID-19, including outcomes, strengths, areas for improvement, and recommendations from February 2020–March 2022. The end product was two AAR/IPs: one for the State of Hawai’i’s response and one for the HI-EMA response. Tidal Basin’s AAR planning team engaged state employees, counties, and external partners across Hawai’i in a comprehensive information-gathering process that included stakeholder meetings, document analysis, a survey, and interviews to inform the report. The team conducted 46 interviews with 96 interviewees who represented 25 state agencies and departments, all four State of Hawaiʻi counties, and other partners. A response survey was disseminated to agency leaders, resulting in responses representing nine state agencies/departments. Ramsey County, MN / Emergency Management & Homeland Security (EMHS) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported Ramsey County with the development of a comprehensive COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) based on the first 18 months of the County’s nonstop response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team gathered and reviewed relevant data based on focus areas to determine trends, challenges, and best practices specific to the County’s preparedness and response efforts related to the pandemic. In addition to assessing the function of the Incident Management Team and efforts to assure continuity of government / continuity of operations, the team also assessed the impact on the provision of services to residents and community impacts from the multiple crises that occurred during the pandemic. We also developed an equity impact assessment to determine the real and perceived disparities in how the pandemic and the County’s response affected its various communities. Tidal Basin delivered the following results to the County: • Conducted stakeholder interviews and prepared results and analysis • Developed an Equity Impact Assessment • Conducted focus group sessions • Analyzed the County’s open-source service delivery documents • Prepared a service delivery impacts analysis report
Conducted 46 interviews representing 25 Hawai’i state agencies
The planning team was top-notch and brought their broad range of expertise and understanding of emergency management to all facets of the project. Ramsey County is now better positioned in understanding where the County can enhance its overall resilience due to the lessons learned and efforts made by the Tidal Basin team.”
Ramsey County, MN / St. Paul – Ramsey County Public Health (SPRCHP) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported SPRCPH)with the development of a comprehensive COVID-19 After- Action Report (AAR) based on the department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the vaccine distribution phase of the response. During our Ramsey AAR interviews and data collection, we paid particular attention to Ramsey County’s efforts to engage the traditionally underserved communities. It was imperative to understand the efforts the County took to engage, gain trust, and ensure that disproportionately impacted populations and neighborhoods were provided the same opportunities throughout the pandemic. Tidal Basin developed a final document that included a timeline, observations and analysis, strengths, and areas for improvement. Michigan State Police / Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the MSP/EMHSD with the facilitation and development of a comprehensive AAR/IP for the State’s response to COVID-19, both internally concerning continuity and operations and externally in response to the risk and impact to the public and its support of public/private partnerships The project’s goal was to develop an AAR/ IP that identifies both strengths and areas of improvement and to provide the State with recommendations to support the remainder of the response and recovery as well as future infectious disease emergencies. Tidal Basin’s delivery to the MSP/EMHSD included: • A password-protected Michigan COVID AAR microsite webpage dedicated to the project, used as a one-stop-shop for project information, timeline of activities, stakeholder involvement, and documentation collection • An electronic survey that was distributed to stakeholders within the 30 departments and agencies to aid in the data collection process • 40 interviews with over 80 stakeholders from 30 departments and agencies as part of the data collection and analysis process • Working with experts from Arizona State University to provide data analysis, trends, and statistical modeling of survey and interview results Shasta County, CA / Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin assisted Shasta County’s HHSA in developing an AAR/IP for their department’s response to COVID-19. The Tidal Basin team collected data to inform an incident timeline and collected feedback through surveys, interviews, and focus group sessions with County staff involved in the COVID-19 response. Our team conducted a deep dive review of Emergency Operations Center (EOC) / Department Operations Center (DOC) documents, incident action plans, preparedness plans, situation reports, County policies, and interviews. We gathered data that provided a clear picture of HHSA’s response – successes, lessons learned, and areas needing improvement. We reviewed the EOC/DOC pandemic staffing structure as staff spoke candidly from experience to help pinpoint areas of success and improvement. In addition, Tidal Basin reviewed the information flow within the EOC/DOC and between agencies, departments, and organizations in the ever-changing informational cycle that accompanied COVID-19. We also looked at internal and external communications regarding messaging from the EOC/DOC and/or County to employees, residents, and partners throughout the COVID-19 response.
Judson M. Freed, MA CEM Director, Ramsey County Emergency Management & Homeland Security
State of Colorado / Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) Marshall Fire After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the Colorado DHSEM in developing an AAR/IP to capture outcomes, strengths, areas for improvement, and recommendations from the State’s response to and recovery from the 2020 Marshall Fire, the most destructive fire in Colorado’s history. The AAR planning team conducted an initial stakeholder briefing for all anticipated participants, then engaged state departments, impacted jurisdictions, and external partners in a comprehensive information-gathering process that included group and individual interviews and document analysis to inform the report. We conducted multiple interviews with representatives from various organizations at local, state, and federal levels. The report organized all findings into pre-determined focus areas – strengths, potential best practices, and areas for improvement were detailed in the AAR. The IP listed and summarized recommendations to close identified gaps and improve future responses. An internal briefing was conducted for the State Coordination Group, followed by a second stakeholder briefing. The professionally designed final report incorporated ADA- recommended accessibility requirements, including accurate reading order for screen readers. Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (OAHHS) / Oregon Research and Education Foundation (OREF) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (OAHHS) with the development of a comprehensive After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) for the Association’s response to COVID-19; internally, with respect to continuity and operations and externally, in its support and advocacy of its member institutions. To begin the process, we gathered and reviewed relevant data to determine trends, challenges, and best practices specific to OAHHS’ preparedness for and response during the pandemic as well as the impact of wildfires across the state that occurred concurrently with the COVID-19 response and impacted operations. Following that review, our team facilitated a series of interviews with stakeholders, board members, and focus groups and developed and released an online survey focused on the ongoing response to the Delta Variant surge. The project culminated with the development of the AAR/IP. The final document included a timeline, observations and analysis, strengths, and areas for improvement.
Tidal Basin has been an excellent partner for OAHHS, and very supportive of the Association and our stakeholders as we conducted our COVID-19 Pandemic After-Action Report and Improvement Plan process.” Rebecca Tiel, Assistant Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
Calvert County, MD / Calvert County Division of Emergency Management COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the Division of Emergency Management for Calvert County, Maryland to develop a COVID-19 Pandemic Response After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) based on the first eight months of the County’s continuing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project’s goal was to develop an AAR/IP, arranged by Community Lifelines, that identified both strengths and areas of improvement and provided the County with recommendations to support the remainder of the response and recovery. In addition, the Tidal Basin team analyzed the response to tornadoes associated with Hurricane Isaias and the impacts of COVID-19 on the staff and community. The project included a specific focus on suggested training, which could be leveraged to obtain training and exercise grant funding. Tidal Basin delivered the following results to Calvert County: • Online survey and consolidated data from over 50 County staff and partners • Interviews with 27 County and state employees • Timeline of the response • Preliminary findings document to support training and exercise grant requests • Draft and final AAR organized by FEMA Community Lifelines • Improvement Plan and tracking matrix formatted for continued use in future events Butte County, CA / Constant Associates Camp Fire After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) As a subcontractor to Constant Associates, Tidal Basin provided Butte County, California with a real-world AAR and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) covering the County’s response to the Camp Fire, the most destructive wildfire in California history in terms of lives lost and property destroyed. The Tidal Basin team: • Reviewed questions to be disseminated to project stakeholders via an online survey and provided feedback • Reviewed the findings report based on Butte County’s incident-related documents and provided direction regarding the need for any additional resources or information • Attended the in-person, county-wide hotwash and served as support facilitator to engage project stakeholders and garner feedback and input regarding the County’s
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Camp Fire response and recovery effort • Crafted an outline for the County’s AAR
City of San Jose, CA / Constant Associates COVID-19 After-Action Report (AAR)
As a subcontractor to Constant Associates, Tidal Basin provided subject matter expertise to support the development of the Finance and Recovery sections’ COVID-19 after-action documentation. The team attended workshops and drafted a white paper highlighting the strengths, challenges, lessons learned, and key recommendations for the COVID-19 event.
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