After-Action Reports and Improvement Plans (AAR/IP)

Select Clients After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP)

State of New Hampshire / Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management COVID-19 After-Action Report (AAR) Services In 2020, like every other state in the U.S., New Hampshire faced a public health emergency with the advent of COVID-19. In 2023, to improve the State’s response during future pandemics, the State of New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management selected Tidal Basin to develop a comprehensive COVID-19 Response AAR/IP covering the period from January 2020 through the end of the State of Emergency in June 2021. The project focused on identifying strengths and areas needing improvement regarding processes, procedures, and capabilities related to the State’s response to the pandemic. The plan utilized a unified command structure comprised of the State’s Department of Safety, Department of Health and Human Services, and the New Hampshire National Guard. State of Hawai’i / Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the State of Hawai’i in developing multiple after-action reports and improvement plans for their response to COVID-19, including outcomes, strengths, areas for improvement, and recommendations from February 2020–March 2022. The end product was two AAR/IPs: one for the State of Hawai’i’s response and one for the HI-EMA response. Tidal Basin’s AAR planning team engaged state employees, counties, and external partners across Hawai’i in a comprehensive information-gathering process that included stakeholder meetings, document analysis, a survey, and interviews to inform the report. The team conducted 46 interviews with 96 interviewees who represented 25 state agencies and departments, all four State of Hawaiʻi counties, and other partners. A response survey was disseminated to agency leaders, resulting in responses representing nine state agencies/departments. Ramsey County, MN / Emergency Management & Homeland Security (EMHS) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported Ramsey County with the development of a comprehensive COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) based on the first 18 months of the County’s nonstop response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team gathered and reviewed relevant data based on focus areas to determine trends, challenges, and best practices specific to the County’s preparedness and response efforts related to the pandemic. In addition to assessing the function of the Incident Management Team and efforts to assure continuity of government / continuity of operations, the team also assessed the impact on the provision of services to residents and community impacts from the multiple crises that occurred during the pandemic. We also developed an equity impact assessment to determine the real and perceived disparities in how the pandemic and the County’s response affected its various communities. Tidal Basin delivered the following results to the County: • Conducted stakeholder interviews and prepared results and analysis • Developed an Equity Impact Assessment • Conducted focus group sessions • Analyzed the County’s open-source service delivery documents • Prepared a service delivery impacts analysis report

Conducted 46 interviews representing 25 Hawai’i state agencies



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