After-Action Reports and Improvement Plans (AAR/IP)

The planning team was top-notch and brought their broad range of expertise and understanding of emergency management to all facets of the project. Ramsey County is now better positioned in understanding where the County can enhance its overall resilience due to the lessons learned and efforts made by the Tidal Basin team.”

Ramsey County, MN / St. Paul – Ramsey County Public Health (SPRCHP) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported SPRCPH)with the development of a comprehensive COVID-19 After- Action Report (AAR) based on the department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the vaccine distribution phase of the response. During our Ramsey AAR interviews and data collection, we paid particular attention to Ramsey County’s efforts to engage the traditionally underserved communities. It was imperative to understand the efforts the County took to engage, gain trust, and ensure that disproportionately impacted populations and neighborhoods were provided the same opportunities throughout the pandemic. Tidal Basin developed a final document that included a timeline, observations and analysis, strengths, and areas for improvement. Michigan State Police / Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the MSP/EMHSD with the facilitation and development of a comprehensive AAR/IP for the State’s response to COVID-19, both internally concerning continuity and operations and externally in response to the risk and impact to the public and its support of public/private partnerships The project’s goal was to develop an AAR/ IP that identifies both strengths and areas of improvement and to provide the State with recommendations to support the remainder of the response and recovery as well as future infectious disease emergencies. Tidal Basin’s delivery to the MSP/EMHSD included: • A password-protected Michigan COVID AAR microsite webpage dedicated to the project, used as a one-stop-shop for project information, timeline of activities, stakeholder involvement, and documentation collection • An electronic survey that was distributed to stakeholders within the 30 departments and agencies to aid in the data collection process • 40 interviews with over 80 stakeholders from 30 departments and agencies as part of the data collection and analysis process • Working with experts from Arizona State University to provide data analysis, trends, and statistical modeling of survey and interview results Shasta County, CA / Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin assisted Shasta County’s HHSA in developing an AAR/IP for their department’s response to COVID-19. The Tidal Basin team collected data to inform an incident timeline and collected feedback through surveys, interviews, and focus group sessions with County staff involved in the COVID-19 response. Our team conducted a deep dive review of Emergency Operations Center (EOC) / Department Operations Center (DOC) documents, incident action plans, preparedness plans, situation reports, County policies, and interviews. We gathered data that provided a clear picture of HHSA’s response – successes, lessons learned, and areas needing improvement. We reviewed the EOC/DOC pandemic staffing structure as staff spoke candidly from experience to help pinpoint areas of success and improvement. In addition, Tidal Basin reviewed the information flow within the EOC/DOC and between agencies, departments, and organizations in the ever-changing informational cycle that accompanied COVID-19. We also looked at internal and external communications regarding messaging from the EOC/DOC and/or County to employees, residents, and partners throughout the COVID-19 response.

Judson M. Freed, MA CEM Director, Ramsey County Emergency Management & Homeland Security



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