After-Action Reports and Improvement Plans (AAR/IP)


Calvert County, MD / Calvert County Division of Emergency Management COVID-19 After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) Tidal Basin supported the Division of Emergency Management for Calvert County, Maryland to develop a COVID-19 Pandemic Response After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) based on the first eight months of the County’s continuing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project’s goal was to develop an AAR/IP, arranged by Community Lifelines, that identified both strengths and areas of improvement and provided the County with recommendations to support the remainder of the response and recovery. In addition, the Tidal Basin team analyzed the response to tornadoes associated with Hurricane Isaias and the impacts of COVID-19 on the staff and community. The project included a specific focus on suggested training, which could be leveraged to obtain training and exercise grant funding. Tidal Basin delivered the following results to Calvert County: • Online survey and consolidated data from over 50 County staff and partners • Interviews with 27 County and state employees • Timeline of the response • Preliminary findings document to support training and exercise grant requests • Draft and final AAR organized by FEMA Community Lifelines • Improvement Plan and tracking matrix formatted for continued use in future events Butte County, CA / Constant Associates Camp Fire After-Action Report and Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) As a subcontractor to Constant Associates, Tidal Basin provided Butte County, California with a real-world AAR and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) covering the County’s response to the Camp Fire, the most destructive wildfire in California history in terms of lives lost and property destroyed. The Tidal Basin team: • Reviewed questions to be disseminated to project stakeholders via an online survey and provided feedback • Reviewed the findings report based on Butte County’s incident-related documents and provided direction regarding the need for any additional resources or information • Attended the in-person, county-wide hotwash and served as support facilitator to engage project stakeholders and garner feedback and input regarding the County’s

For more information on our program support, visit our website.

Camp Fire response and recovery effort • Crafted an outline for the County’s AAR

City of San Jose, CA / Constant Associates COVID-19 After-Action Report (AAR)

As a subcontractor to Constant Associates, Tidal Basin provided subject matter expertise to support the development of the Finance and Recovery sections’ COVID-19 after-action documentation. The team attended workshops and drafted a white paper highlighting the strengths, challenges, lessons learned, and key recommendations for the COVID-19 event.

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