Sumner College Campus Security Report

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 (CSCPA), which became law Oct. 28, 2000, but which delayed certain provisions until Oct. 28, 2002, amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act. CSCPA provides special requirements relating to registration and community notification for sex offenders who are enrolled in or work at institution of higher education. In addition to the Wetterling Act, CSCPA also amended the Clery Act, an annual crime- reporting law, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) to allow the disclosure of this information regarding students. As provided in the Wetterling Act, any person required to register under a state sex-offender program must notify the state regarding each institution of higher education in that state at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. They also must alert the state of any change in enrollment or employment status. These changes took effect October 28, 2002. The act also amends the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to require institutions of higher education to issue a statement, in addition to other disclosures required under that act, to advise the campus community where to obtain law enforcement agency information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders. These changes took effect October 28, 2002 and this notice has been a requirement beginning with the annual security report due October 1, 2003. Oregon law was amended in 2005 (HB 2299) to make these requirements effective January 1, 2006. Under state law, sex-offender information may be obtained through local law enforcement agencies and the Oregon State Police and requestors may access this information using a variety of search criteria, such as name, address, ZIP code, or county. Another law passed in 2005, HB 3486, mandates the posting to a public Internet site of information about predatory sex offenders and dangerous, sexually violent offenders. Oregon sex offender law again changed in 2019 (HB2045B), which resulted in two new reporting requirements that go into effect January 01, 2021. For the state of Oregon sex offender requirements and other SO information see the following web site: offenderinformation.aspx How to Obtain Sex Offender Information Oregon State Police Oregon State Police will provide, upon request, a list (updated monthly) of sex offenders enrolled at, or employed at an institution of higher education. This list can be obtained by calling the Sex Offender Unit at 503-378-3725. A list of offenders, both on and off supervision, including those posted to the public website and those who are not, can be obtained by calling the Oregon State Police at 503-378-3725 Extension 44429 or by e-mailing a request to Sexoffender.Questions@ Most requests are processed within 1 week, however, circumstances may require a longer response time.

To look up information on predatory sex offenders by name and location: ConditionsOfUse Provides a sex offender FAQ section including the definition of “Predatory Sex Offender”: https://www. aspx#levelingclassificationoffenders For information on the sex offender registration program: index.aspx Further questions may be directed to the Oregon State Police Sex Offender Unit: Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Unit: 3565 Trelstad Ave SE Salem, Oregon 97317, Phone 503-934-1258, for sex offender questions, or 503-378-3725 for general questions

Additionally, the College President will maintain a list of sex offenders who have been required to report their sexual offender status to the institution under federal and/or state law. Campus Security Authorities Sumner College encourages the campus community to immediately report crimes or suspicious activity to the Campus Security Authorities to help maintain the safest possible environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. As mentioned throughout and pursuant to the Clery Act, a federal law, the college is required to compile and publish crime statistics in an Annual Security Report. As part of this obligation, members of the college’s community who are considered to be Campus Security Authorities are required to report crimes for inclusion as statistics in the college’s Annual Security Report. Who is a Campus Security Authority? “Campus Security Authority” is a Clery specific term that encompasses certain departments, groups and individual Sumner College employees who have a duty to report crimes they become aware of, as defined by the Clery Act. The law defines a Campus Security Authority as “an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.”

E xamples of C ampus S ecurity A uthorities : T itle IX coordinator : C ampus P resident O fficial : D irector of education C ampus S ecurity T eam

C ampus S ecurity A uthorities may also be identified by job function ; that is any employee who , by virtue of their job function , has significant responsibility for assisting students or campus activities . The Clery Act requires that Campus Security Authorities be identified, notified and trained. Campus Security Authorities who have been identified by job


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