in a manner consistent with her peers within the guidelines set forth by the instructors and Sumner College. The student must present a letter from a physician releasing the student to continue the training. Sumner College reserves the right to contact the physician to verify the student’s physical activity level and ability to complete all clinical experience requirements. 2. The student may take a leave of absence for such a long period as is deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician, at the end of which the student shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began. The student must make up all missed clinical and didactic hours and complete all the necessary competencies. This option timing is contingent upon an available student position in an appropriate clinical facility. Accommodations and Protective Measures Available for Victims Upon receipt of a report of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual misconduct and/or stalking, Sumner College will provide written notification to students and employees about accommodations available to them, including academic, living, transportation and working situations. The written notification will include information regarding the accommodation options, available assistance in requesting accommodations, and how to request accommodations and protective measures (i.e., the notification will include the name and contact information for the individual or office that should be contacted to request the accommodations.) At the victim’s request, and to the extent of the victim’s cooperation and consent, the College will work cooperatively to assist the victim in obtaining accommodations. The College is obligated to comply with a victim’s reasonable request to make changes to academic, living, working or transportation situations regardless of whether the victim chooses to report the crime to local law enforcement. Examples of options for a potential change to the academic situation may be to transfer to a different section of a class, withdraw and take a class at another time if there is no option for moving to a different section, etc. Possible changes to work situations may include changing working hours. Possible changes in transportation may include having the student or employee park in a different location, assisting the student or employee with a safety escort, etc. To request changes to academic, living, transportation and/or working situations or protective measures, a victim should contact the Title IX Coordinator/Campus President. If the victim wishes to receive assistance in requesting these accommodations, she or he should contact the Title IX Coordinator/Campus President. Upon receipt of any order of protection, no-contact or restraining order issued by any criminal, civil or Tribal court Sumner College will abide by stipulations within the court order. Confidentiality Victims may request that directory information on file with the College be withheld by request to the Registrar’s Office. Regardless of whether a victim has opted-out of allowing the College to share “directory information,” personally identifiable information about the victim and other necessary parties will
title receive annual notification and training and are asked to forward the training to anyone within their department who they believe meets the Clery definition of a Campus Security Authority by job function. If you believe that you may qualify as a Campus Security Authority and have not received notification or training, please contact the Title The Role of a Campus Security Authority. Campus Security Authorities should not investigate crimes or attempt to determine whether in fact a crime occurred. Rather, a Campus Security Authority’s obligation is to simply report the information that s/he has as soon as possible. If in doubt that a crime is reportable, please err on the side of reporting the matter. Sumner College is required to disclose statistics for the following offenses that occur on campus, or in non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the college, and public property within or immediately adjacent to campus. • Murder • Manslaughter • Sexual Assault • Robbery • Aggravated Assault • Burglary • Vehicle Theft • Arson • Dating Violence • Domestic Violence • Stalking • Hate/Bias Crimes Pregnancy Sumner College provides students with a safe environment for clinical experiences and training. In compliance with regulations regarding pregnant students, female students have the option to inform program officials whether they are pregnant. With written notification to the Program Director, the student may change from one option to another during the pregnancy if all program objectives, courses, and competencies are completed. However, if a student chooses to declare her pregnancy to program officials, she must provide written notification. A student may submit a written request to withdraw her declaration unquestionably at any time. A student who has decided to declare her pregnancy will be allowed to choose one option for completing their education. Options 1. Continuing the training without modification or interruption. This option means that the student agrees to attend and complete all classes, clinical assignments, and competencies
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