Immediate Counseling Options The Clackamas County Crisis Line available for advocacy and consultation The 24-hour hot line is 503.655.8585 (ask to speak to a crisis counselor) The Multnomah County Crisis Line 503.988.4888 Washington County Crisis Line 503.291.9111 US Government
General Medical Attention You can receive medical attention from the following areas:
Multnomah County Walk-in Clinic 2415 SE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR Open 7 am to 10:30 pm, seven days a week.
AFC NE URGENT CARE 7033 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR Provides urgent care walk-in appointments. Phone: 503-451-6319
Assistance for Victims - Rights and Options Regardless of whether a victim elects to pursue a criminal complaint, the College will assist victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking and will provide each victim with a written explanation of his/her rights regardless whether the offense occurred on or off campus. Such written information will include: • The procedures victims should follow if a crime of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking has occurred; • Information about how the institution will protect the confidentiality of victims and other necessary parties; • A statement that the institution will provide written notification to students and employees about victim services such as existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid and other services available within the institution and in the community; • A statement regarding the institution’s provisions about options for, available assistance in, and how to request accommodations and protective measures; and • An explanation of the procedures for institutional disciplinary action Rape Evidence Collection Examination A rape exam provides essential treatment for exposure to sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. It also collects evidence to be used against your assailant should if pressing charges is the victim’s course of action. Campus Safety will assist in reporting to the Portland Police Office. In most cases, DNA evidence needs to be collected within 72 hours in order to be analyzed by a crime lab—but a sexual assault
Campus Safety 541.855.1111 (Availability after business hours) The RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) 1.800.656.HOPE(4673)
forensic exam can reveal other forms of evidence beyond this time frame that can be useful if you decide to report.. The examination will be conducted at a medical facility by a certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (S.A.N.E.). Please look over the added website for more information on sexual assault exams/rape kits: Professional and Pastoral Counseling When acting in their official capacity, professional and pastoral counselors are not required to report crimes for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics under 20 U.S.C. Section 1092(f). Professional and pastoral counselors are encouraged, if and when appropriate.
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