Sumner College Campus Security Report

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Close doors behind you as you leave.

Avoid being seen from the outside, if possible, and turn out all lights. Monitor text and email alerts for updates and further instructions. A description of the threat will be disseminated as soon as possible using these methods. Report any emergency or unusual condition to the Campus President. Use discretion in admitting anyone into a secured building. Require all backpacks and other bags be left outside at least 30 feet from the building. Require all persons seeking shelter to open all outer garments for visual inspection before allowing entry. Do not leave a secure location until receiving an “all clear” from a police officer, emergency responder, or the Campus President.

If trapped, keep the doors closed and place cloth under them to keep out smoke. Once outside, stay a minimum of 100 feet away from the building. Stay out of the traffic lanes. Notify emergency responders of any trapped, especially anyone with a physical disability who cannot evacuate. Do not enter the building for any reason until emergency responders, police, or the Campus President deems it safe to reenter.

In a Threatening Situation

If physically attacked, attract attention by yelling loudly or using a whistle. If using self-defense tactics or equipment such as pepper spray, run away as soon as the attacker is disabled This suggestion would be for an off-campus application as pepper spray is not permitted on campus by Sumner College policy. This policy further defines weapons by Oregon Revised Statue (ORS) 166.360 which includes mace, tear gas and pepper mace or any similar deleterious agent. Decide what to do in various situations before they occur. Try role-playing with a friend. If confronted by someone who only wants property, give it to them.

Reporting a Crime


In the event of a crime or emergency, contact 911. This number will reach the Portland Police 911 Dispatch Center. Crimes can also be reported to the following persons or offices: • Sumner College @ 503.972.6230 • Title IX Coordinator/Campus Security Authority @ 503.972.6230 Active Shooter Quickly determine the best way to protect your life. Run • Have an escape route and plan in mind. • Leave your belongings behind. • Keep your hands visible to responding police officers. Hide: • Hide in an area out of the active shooter’s view. • Block entry to your hiding place and lock doors. • Silence mobile phones.

• Try to get an accurate description of the assailant. If a vehicle is involved, get the license number and call 911. When crimes occur on campus, Campus Safety informs the campus community members so they can take precautions to avoid becoming victim of crimes, or so they may aid in the solving of crimes. Contact Campus Safety for more information. Lock Down An imminent threat of violence may be cause for a lock down on all or part of the campus. The orderly lock down of a building during an emergency depends on early warning and student, faculty, and staff awareness of proper lock down procedures. The goal is to limit exposure of students, faculty, and staff to danger by preventing dangerous persons from entering the building. IF A LOCK DOWN IS ORDERED: • Stay inside! Do not leave the building unless an imminently dangerous situation arises inside. If outside, seek shelter in the nearest building. Take shelter in a lockable room, if possible. If the office or classroom does not lock, the occupant(s) should barricade the door with a secure object (i.e., desk, etc.) until given the “all clear”.


As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.

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Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.

Act with physical aggression. Throw items at the shooter, if possible. If available, discharge the fire extinguisher aiming at the shooter’s eyes and nose.


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