Sumner College Campus Security Report

Bomb Threat Bomb threats usually come by telephone. If you receive a bomb threat call, remain calm and obtain as much information as possible from the caller: • When will the bomb explode? • What kind of bomb is it? • What will cause it to explode? • Where is it right now? • What does it look like? • Did you place the bomb? If not you, then who? • Why did you place the bomb? • How many bombs are there? • What is your name and address? • Call 911 and inform the Campus President immediately. Describe the caller’s voice, any background noises you heard, and the exact wording of the message.


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Any weapons the hostage takers may have. Your name, location, and phone number.

If You Are Taken Hostage •

Remain calm, be polite, and cooperate with your captors. DO NOT attempt to escape unless there is an extremely good chance of survival. It is safer to be submissive and obey your captors. Speak normally. DO NOT complain and avoid being belligerent or argumentative. DO NOT draw attention to yourself with sudden body movements, statements, comments, or hostile looks. Observe the captors and try to memorize their physical traits, voice patterns, clothing, or other details that can help provide a description later. Avoid getting into political or ideological discussions. Try to establish a relationship with your captors and get to know them. Captors are less likely to harm you if they respect you. If forced to present terrorist demands to authorities, either in writing or on tape, state clearly that the demands are from your captors. Avoid making a plea on your own behalf. Try to stay low to the ground or behind cover from windows or doors, if possible. DO NOT run. Drop to the floor and remain still. If that is not possible, cross your arms, bow your head, and stay still. Make no sudden moves that a responder may interpret as hostile or threatening. Wait for instructions and obey all instructions you are given. Do not be upset, resist, or argue if a rescuer is not sure whether you are a terrorist or a hostage. If you are handcuffed and searched DO NOT resist. You will be taken to a safe area where proper identification and status will be determined.

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Do not touch suspicious packages. Inform the police of any suspicious packages, items, or people in the area. Follow instructions from first responders in regards to evacuation. Do not move a seriously injured person unless there is a life-threatening situation. Dial 911 and give your name, location, and telephone number. Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury or illness (e.g., whether or not the victim is conscious, etc.). Do not hang up until directed to do so by the emergency operator. Return to the victim; administer first aid (if you know how); keep the victim as calm and comfortable as possible.

Medical Emergencies •

In a Rescue Situation •

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Remain with the victim.

Notify the Campus President.

Hostage Situation If You Hear Or See A Hostage Situation: Immediately remove yourself from any danger and call 911. Provide them with the following information: • Location and room number of the incident. • Number of possible hostages and hostage takers. • Physical description and name of hostage takers, if

Clery Act Procedures Sexual Assault Procedures 1. Initial complaint received. 2.

Determine if injury exists and if medical treatment is necessary. Contact local law enforcement if a criminal complaint is required. Transfer investigative duties to local law enforcement if required.




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