the investigation. The outcome/finding, the rationalization for the finding, and the sanctions imposed, if any, shall be conveyed to the victim and respondent simultaneously and in writing as noted above via the Su College email system and will be delivered via certified/registered US Mail at the same time. Both the victim and the respondent have a right to appeal the finding or non-finding of responsibility or the associated sanction. Sumner College will simultaneously notify, in writing, both the victim and the respondent, of the institution’s procedures for the respondent and the victim to appeal the result of the institutional disciplinary proceeding. Appealing the finding of responsibility or non-responsibility must be based on a process error, (i.e., a procedural error, not that the party didn’t feel the resolution or sanction was appropriate) or the discovery of new evidence. Both parties will have five business days from notification to appeal in writing to the next level of authority, whose decision is final: S umner C ollege B oard 8338 NE A lderwood R oad S uite #100 P ortland , OR 97220 Both individuals will be informed in writing and simultaneously of any change to the results that occur prior to the time that such results become final and when such results become final. The victim will be notified of any sanctions/outcomes that are specific to the victim (e.g., respondent has interim suspension and is ordered by the institution to have no contact with the victim). False Reports The College recognizes that sexual harassment frequently involves interactions between persons that are not witnessed by others or cannot be substantiated by additional evidence. Lack of corroborating evidence or “proof” should not discourage individuals from reporting sexual harassment under this policy. However, making false charges of sexual harassment is a serious offense. If a report is found to have been intentionally false or made maliciously without regard for truth, the claimant will be subject to disciplinary action. This provision does not apply to reports made in good faith, even if the facts alleged in the report cannot be substantiated by an investigation. Retaliation Sumner College will not tolerate retaliation against a person who, acting in good faith, brings a complaint forward. Retaliation against an individual who has brought a complaint forward, or against an individual who has participated in an investigation, is prohibited. Protection from Discipline for Reporting Party or Witness A reporting party or a witness who requests an investigation of sexual misconduct may not be subjected to a disciplinary
proceeding or sanction for violating Sumner College’s student conduct policy related to drug or alcohol use, trespassing or unauthorized entry of school facilities or other violations of a school policy or code of conduct that is discovered in connection with the alleged sexual misconduct unless the institution determines that the report was not made in good faith or that the violation of the policy was an egregious violation, which includes but is not limited to taking an action that places the health and safety of another individual at risk. In any instance in which disciplinary action is taken against an individual who has reported sexual misconduct, Sumner College shall review the disciplinary action to determine if there is a link between the disclosed sexual misconduct and the misconduct that led to the reporting party’s being disciplined. Reporting Contact Information Students and employees may contact the Title IX Coordinator with any questions related to this policy. In addition, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) investigates complaints of unlawful harassment of students in educational programs or activities. This agency may serve as a neutral fact finder and will attempt to facilitate the voluntary resolution of disputes with the parties. For more information, visit the OCR website at: To the extent that an employee or contract worker is not satisfied with the College’s handling of a complaint, he or she may also contact the appropriate state or federal enforcement agency for legal relief. Admission Clearances for Suspended or Convicted Students The Office of Admissions forward applications for admission to the President when potential students have been convicted of a felony or suspended from an institution. These potential students require a clearance for further admission consideration and must provide additional information as requested to Office of Student Affairs. Students may be granted provisional admission with conditions to meet in order to be fully admitted to the College. The final decision regarding admission rests with the Office of Admissions using normal academic criteria. Sumner College typically upholds current suspensions from other institutions. Readmission Requirements for Students Suspended for Disciplinary Reasons Students who have been suspended from Sumner College for disciplinary reasons will be required to receive a clearance from the President before they will be readmitted. The President will forward such applications to the President for review and additional information may be requested. Students may be provisionally cleared for readmission consideration with or without special conditions
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