Sumner College Campus Security Report

Drug Free School and Workplace Programs Sumner College complies with the provisions of the federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1989 and the Drug Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1990. Sumner College policies adopted to implement these federal requirements provide for the possibility of serious disciplinary action in the event of alcohol abuse or illicit drug use on campus or in connection with College functions, or for mandatory referral to approved rehabilitation, assistance programs. Copies of the Sumner College’s policy statements are available on the Sumner College Website: CLICK HERE to view Sumner College’s full Drug and Intoxicants Policy Drug Policy: Illegal use, possession, sale, distribution, cultivation or manufacture of any state or federally controlled drug, substance or paraphernalia. Inhaling or ingesting any substances (e.g., nitrous oxide, glue, paint, etc.) that will alter a student’s mental state is also prohibited. Marijuana: Possession (in any form) and consumption, including but not limited to smoking, eating, or oils, is prohibited by federal law. Although Oregon has legalized marijuana for medicinal use and recreational use (for individuals 21 years of age or older), it is prohibited on the campus because marijuana is not legal under federal law and the College is required to comply with federal law. Possession/consumption by individuals under 21 will be subject to the campus conduct process as well as law enforcement actions; violations by individuals over 21 will be subject to the campus conduct process. Alcohol Policy: Consumption, possession, distribution, sale and the serving of alcoholic beverages on College premises or at college-sponsored activities regardless of age, except as expressly permitted by College policy is prohibited. Public intoxication, driving under the influence of alcohol, actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, providing alcohol to minors, permitting any individual under 21 years of age to possess or consume alcohol, transporting an open container of alcohol, driving while impaired, incapacitation, possession or use of a fake ID, or being underage in possession of alcohol on or off campus are also violations of this policy. Students are expected to know and abide by all applicable laws regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and Drug Policy The campus is designated as “Drug-Free.” Sumner College participates in the ‘‘Drug Free Schools and Community Act’’ (Public Law 101-226, Sec. 22) and is committed to providing an environment that maximizes the potential for a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle. Possession, consumption or furnishing alcoholic beverages on campus is prohibited. The illegal possession, sale, use, manufacturing, or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under both state and

federal laws. Enforcement of State and Federal drug laws are strictly enforced by law enforcement agencies including the Portland police department. Violators are subject to Sumner College disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fine and imprisonment. Oregon Revised Statutes dealing with drugs may be found here: The use, possession, sale, giving or exchanging of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited on campus by state law and college policy. Persons violating these prohibitions are subject to discipline and corrective intervention by the college, including possible suspension, expulsion and filing of criminal charges. Health risks associated with misuse and abuse of mind-altering drugs, controlled substances and alcohol include, but are not limited to, diminished immunity; physical and psychological dependence; brain, pancreas, kidney and lung damage; high blood pressure; heart attack; strokes; ulcers; birth defects; and death. The campus will provide to each student upon enrollment a separate, clear and conspicuous written notice with information on the penalties associated with drug related offenses. The possession, sale or the furnishing of alcohol on campus is governed by the Code of Student Conduct found in the catalog. The Code of Student Conduct states that students will be held accountable for the use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances on College or externship property, including the purchase, consumption, possession, or sale of such items. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol to age 21. A student committing this violation shall receive a written warning concerning the misconduct and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including immediate suspension or dismissal, criminal prosecution, fine and/or imprisonment. Students dismissed for conduct violations will not be readmitted. The possession, sale, manufacture of distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under both state and federal laws. In conjunction with the campus security bi-annual in-services, the campus will address the Drug and Alcohol Prevention program that was implemented to determine the following: • The number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on the campus or as part of any of the campus activities must be reported to campus officials, and • The number and type of sanctions that are imposed by the campus as a result of drug and alcohol related violations and fatalities on the campus or as part of any of the campus activities. Note: Additional information is available within the Employee Handbook for campus personnel. The campus must provide a timely notice to each student


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