Sumner College Campus Security Report

I f you believe you are being or have been sexually harassed , please contact the T itle IX and D iversity O ffice . T he T itle IX O fficer is J oanna R ussell : 503.972.6230. J oanna R ussell also deals with all harassment matters directly and confidentially . R etaliation also is prohibited . Hazing: Hazing is any action or activity that causes or intends to cause physical or mental discomfort or distress, that may demean, degrade or disgrace any person, regardless of location, intent or consent of participants, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization (on or off campus). Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule. (State law classifies hazing as a crime.) The College will strongly recommend suspension for students found responsible for hazing when harm/injury occurs. Examples include, but are not limited to: a. Sleep deprivation or causing extreme fatigue b. Physical or psychological shock; c. Public stunts or jokes; d. Compelled ingestion of any substance, including water e. Degrading or humiliating games or activities; f. Forced servitude. Harassment: Harassment means a. Intentionally subjecting a person to offensive physical contact; b. Unreasonable insults, gestures, or abusive words, in the immediate presence, and directed to, another person that may reasonably cause emotional distress or provoke a violent response (including but not limited to electronic mail, social media, conventional mail and telephone) except to the extent such insults, gestures or abusive words are protected expression; or c. Other types of prohibited discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and sexual harass


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