Sumner College Campus Security Report

About the Report

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the CleryAct) requires that post-secondary schools participating in the Title IV Student Financial Aid Programs publish a statistical report of crimes occurring on or near the institution’s campus and provide information about security policies, procedures and programs. The intent of the report is to inform students, prospective students, and their families of the extent of reported crimes occurring in the three previous calendar years on campus. This data is provided to aid in them in making informed decisions regarding their safety and security. The report also includes data from two years prior to the most recent year. In the case of this particular report, you will see data for calendar years 2021, 2022, and 2023. Portions of this report are provided in compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (20 U.S. Code Section 1145g) and the federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (20 U.S. Code Section 1092). Portions of this report are provided in compliance with The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act which amended the Jeanne Clery Act to afford additional rights to campus victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Preparation and Disclosure of Annual Crime Statistics Sumner College generates this report annually to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Crime Statistics. The report is also prepared with cooperation from the Portland Police Office for on/off-campus and adjacent-to-campus reported crimes. The statistics provided are a culmination of crime reporting by the Portland Police. Campus crime, arrest and referral statistics include those reported to the President, Title IX Coordinator, Campus Security Authority, and other designated campus officials. Criminal activity occurring off-campus is monitored and recorded by the following agency; Portland Police Department. Students involved in criminal activity off-campus may be contacted, cited or arrested by this agency. During the preparation of the Annual Security Report, this agency is contacted and a good faith effort is made to obtain information as to crimes that are reportable under the Clery Act. Confidentiality of Victim/Survivors This data, when recorded and compiled by the Clery Coordinator for the purposes of Clery reporting, contains information specific to and necessary for Clery reporting requirements only, specifically: date, location and crime. When collecting and compiling statistics, the Clery Coordinator does not request or record any identifying information about a victim, as such information is not required for Clery crime disclosure. The Clery Coordinator is the Custodian of Records for all Clery- associated records. These records include the crime emergency response, available to the public at the Cascade office in paper copy and Clery-reportable crime statistics which are provided to the public and the Department of Education annually, for the current and prior three years. The institution is required to keep Clery-associated records for seven years.


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