Sumner College Campus Security Report

Distribution and Availability of the Current Campus Security Report (CSR) Each year, an e-mail notification is made to all enrolled faculty, staff members and students that provides the web site link to access this CSR report. Paper copies of the report may also be obtained by calling 503.972.6230. All prospective employees may obtain a copy of this report from Human Resources or by calling 503.972.6230. The report is posted on our website: information/ Reportable Crimes The Clery Act requires that participating schools collect data on a specific list of crimes. These crimes are listed within this document and are defined by the current Clery and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) standard. In the case of liquor, drug and weapon offenses, the numbers are tallied in two groups. The first set of numbers is for those who were referred for disciplinary actions by Sumner College and the second is for those individuals who were arrested. This is not a distinction between breaking the law and not breaking the law, the numbers in both groups are the result of a violation of the law. Rather it is an attempt to reflect the actual impact of liquor, drug and weapons violations occurring in the campus community even when the incident does not result in an arrest. Although the District Attorney may choose not to prosecute an individual for one of these offenses because there is insufficient evidence to reach a conviction, Sumner College may still sanction the individual because the standard for a conviction in a civil proceeding is less than what is required for conviction in criminal proceedings. Excluded Crimes In some cases an incident that is reported as a crime may not be included in the annual report. Each of the following five standards must be met for an incident to be included in the annual report: 1. Reported to the Proper Authorities – The incident must be reported to law enforcement or a person who, according to the Clery Act, is defined as a Campus Security Authority. A person designated as a Campus Security Authority includes more than individuals employed by the college. The term is applied to any person who works for the College in a paid or volunteer status and has significant responsibilities for student activities. For example; teachers, student advisors are considered Campus Security Authorities. 2. If you are someone whom a student reasonably believes that he or she can report a crime to and expect that the matter will be addressed directly through your intervention or that you will contact law enforcement for a response, then you are Campus Security Authority. Listed Crimes – The crime must be one of those listed

in one of the reportable areas. Every reportable crime occurring within the boundaries of campus is in a reportable area. The two remaining areas are a little more difficult to define. Perimeter streets are described in the following way: “Sidewalk – Street – Sidewalk”. This means that a reportable crime occurring on the sidewalk on either side of a perimeter street is reportable as are incidents occurring in the street. But an incident occurring in a building (a privately owned store) on the distant side of a perimeter street would not be included. Unfortunately, most law enforcement agencies do not distinguish where a crime occurs with this degree of detail. Crimes are usually located by street and house numbers. Made in Good Faith – For an incident to be included there must be a determination that the report is made in good faith. Supporting evidence makes this determination easy, but such evidence is not always available. In such a case the credibility of the person making the report is considered. When the incident is reported to us through a law enforcement agency, we assume that this determination has already been made.


5. Not founded (unfounded) – If in the case of a particular incident, law enforcement determines that the incident could not have occurred or did not occur, i.e., a false report, the crime would not be included in the annual report. Security Policies, Procedures and Programs In this report you will find information about security policies, how to report crimes and information about campus educational programs. These documents, which come from a number of campus departments, are gathered together here to assist you in your efforts to arrive at a more complete understanding of the campus climate as it relates to the issues of personal safety, crimes occurring on or near campus and the resources available to you as a student, faculty or staff member. The collection of data and the evaluation of the data in the preparation of this report is a lengthy process involving many on-campus departments and off-campus agencies. Our purpose is to provide you with the information and the understanding you need to make an informed and reasoned decision about your personal safety as it relates to your time at Sumner College. contact S umner C ollege at 503.972.6230

in the Clery Act as a reportable crime. 3.

Reportable Area – The crime must have occurred


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