Sumner College Campus Security Report

Security of Campus Grounds The College is committed to campus safety and security. Sumner College prohibits the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Currently, the institution does not maintain any special relationship with State and local police and does not have an agreement with those police agencies (such as written memoranda of understanding) to investigate alleged crimes. Parking lots, pedestrian walkways, high-traffic areas, buildings, exterior lighting and grounds are maintained. Doors are secured at all times. Students and staff must be admitted by a Front Desk Staff member to gain entry. Shrubs, trees and vegetation are trimmed regularly by maintenance staff. Members of the campus community are encouraged to report all hazards, exterior lighting deficiencies or grounds problems to maintenance at 503-972.6230. Campus Safety Service The campus President provides coordination with local law enforcement. Crimes can also be reported to the College President and Director of Education. In addition, the campus works with local law enforcements as necessary to report or investigate crimes. Campus Safety and Portland Police This institution does not employ campus security personnel but encourages both its employees and students to immediately report suspected criminal activity or other emergencies to the nearest available institutional official and/ or in the event of emergency to directly contact local law enforcement or other emergency response agencies by dialing 911. Sumner College and the Portland Police have a history of coordination and cooperation in responding to crime on campus and areas adjacent to campus. Any major crime incidents on campus will be handled by the Portland Police. As a general operating procedure, Portland Police will conduct all investigations and make arrests as the responsible law enforcement jurisdiction.

Crime Prevention and Education Campus Safety, staff, faculty and students work together on personal safety and preparedness to assist others in time of need. This strategy works! Each individual is responsible for taking basic precautions such as walking in pairs at night, locking office and car doors, and securing personal valuables when unattended. The Campus Safety Team is always available to meet with individuals, groups and clubs to discuss safety, crime prevention methods and related issues. Sumner College provides the following crime prevention services: • Incident and crime reports • Crime information and data to local police agencies • Timely notices of criminal activity When campus crimes occur, Sumner College will notify the campus community to educate and inform members as a crime deterrent. Safety Programs and Trainings: Programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking shall be directed at all incoming students and new employees. All incoming students shall be directed to the Campus Security Report which contains Risk Reduction and Bystander Intervention information during orientation. All students are given a copy of the Campus Security Report upon admission. All incoming employees are directed to the Campus Security Report during new employee orientation and given a copy of the Campus Security Report. Title IX updates are presented by the Title IX officer to faculty staff and students every fall term of the school year. The Title IX officer shall provide information about personal safety and responsibility and information regarding Crime Reporting during the fall term. CL ICK HERE to view our Emergency Procedures and Campus Maps


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