Sumner College Campus Security Report

Depending on the device of choice, a text message will appear similar to this:

one building etc.), the emergency information officer will enter the alert on Sumner College’s alert network server. The mass notification System will automatically send the alert message to various relay points of delivery to be dispersed to those persons that have signed up and/or updated their emergency information on the Sumner-Alert system. The alert is then delivered to landlines, cellular phones and through e-mail accounts. In the event that an on-going emergency at or near the Sumner College campus has follow-up information to be disseminated, the same process will be used to update the emergency alert information through Sumner-Alert. Reasons for an updated Sumner-Alert message would include but not be limited to further detailed information on the emergency, changes in location of the emergency, the emergency being deemed contained, concluded or no longer a threat. In the event of an emergency, primary phone numbers and e-mail accounts will be used for contact. Add a cell phone, a secondary e-mail address or an alternate phone to update personal profiles. Information for parents, spouses or friends to contact in case of a campus emergency can also be added to a personal profile.

The College will utilize the number provided by the student for testing and in the event of an actual emergency.

E-mail: Sumner-Alert (do not reply) Sumner-Alert was established and initially tested on Staff and students. More tests of this emergency notification system are coordinated to occur at least two times through each subsequent academic year. Persons with updated profiles will be notified of the testing via their electronic devise of choice described in the text. The audible or electronic message will clearly state that a test message has been transmitted. F or more information , please contact jrussell @ sumnercollege . edu Sumner Alert Testing Sumner College will test the Emergency Alert system at least once per calendar year. The outcome shall be reported by or to the Campus President. The report shall document a description at the exercise, date and time, whether the test was announced or unannounced, outcome and recommendation for improvement. The Campus President shall retain this report.

How Sumner-Alert Will Be Used Situations for which Sumner-Alert will be used (but not limited to): • Campus Closures • Building emergencies • Potential life-threatening situations on campus • Extreme weather conditions • Activation of Emergency Response teams


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