King's Business - 1946-10

Bishops, deacons, servants, each in his position by the will of God, min­ ister to the saints in Christ Jesus. My position may be in the least-known field of service, or it may be in the best-known. It matters not. I recog­ nize that the rank is unimportant. My ministry in Christ Jesus and for Him takes precedence over any other duty. Let me realize that He is faithful and that in Him I serve. OCTOBER 21 Scripture: Philippians 1:9, 10 “This I pray, that your love may abound . . . that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.” Love is said to be lost fundamen­ tal. We are enjoined of the Spirit in this passage to let it abound more and more. Love is not mere volatile emo­ tion, sentimental reaction, pr maudlin sympathy. Love is to abound in knowledge and judgment. This calls for sincerity in heart and mind, and unselfishness of purpose and motive. Only as we give Jesus Christ first place and yield to Him, will love abound in us. OCTOBER 22 Scritpure: Philippians 2:1-5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." “Here is the great secret of deliver­ ance from all the strivings of potsherd [imperfect, human] nature—the mind that was in Christ Jesus. The mind in Him as He was in the earth—the un­ selfish mind of love that seeks noth­ ing of its own, but seeks the good of others at all costs. Lowliness in love is the true rule of life for believers— the mind that was in Christ Jesus.” —Selected. OCTOBER 23 Scripture: Philippians 2:13 “ It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” It is God who works in me. This knowledge infuses confidence in my heart and instills solemnity of feeling. We walk in fear and trembling be­ cause of the seriousness of the con­ flict between sin and righteousness within our natures. But knowing that God is with us and is working through us, gives peace in place of fear and quietness rather than trembling. It is God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who works. OCTOBER 24 Scripture: Philippians 3:8 “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” “Not only had Paul counted all things but loss for Christ when first he saw His glory on the road to Da­ mascus, but the long, arduous years

following brought no change as to, this. He still counted all things to be of no worth as compared with that which still dazzled his soul—the ex­ cellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord. Likewise, let us count all things loss for this excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Dr. H. A. Ironside. OCTOBER 25 Scripture: Philippians 3:9 “Be found in him . . . having . . . the righteousness w h i c h is of God by faith.” "Paul's one desire was to be found in Christ, without righteousness of his own, which would have been of the law, but with that which is by faith in Christ. His eye was on Christ. No one, consequently, had the trust of his soul or value in his eyes, but Christ. Above everything and everyone he would know none but Christ, the Re­ deemer risen and in Heaven, as his portion. What does this say to us?”— William Kelly. Once a Week | Happening to pass a mine j | in Pennsylvania, a stranger | noted that a nearby field was j - full of mules, and asked a I small boy the reason, j i “Oh, they are brought up | into the light every Sunday," he replied. “They work in the j mine all during the week, but J I the light they will receive to- | day will keep them from ! going blind." | j OCTOBER 26 Scripture: Philippians 3:13 “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” There is a tendency on the part of many Christians to brood over the past: sins, selfish acts, lost opportu­ nities for Christian service, wasted years. This is not God’s will for His children. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” (1 John 1:9). Let us believe the truth of this condition and promise, and set our eyes, desires, and efforts on the accomplishment of the busi­ ness He has put into our hands—the winning of souls for eternity. OCTOBER 27 Scripture: Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” There is only one place from which a view of life as it is today enables one to endure the sorrow and dark­ ness of sin. That place is in the Lord. This position is the only ground for true optimism. In the Scripture for today there is a philosophy of living which lifts one above all the storm- I

tossed surface of life’s sea. Christ Jesus satisfies the soul. In Him we rejoice and can rejoice alway. OCTOBER 28 Scripture: Colossians 1:6 “Since . . . ye . . . knew the grace of God in truth.” The grace of God is beyond defini­ tion and description. Volumes have been written concerning it; songs abound with the expression of it; hearts glow with its riches. It is suf­ ficient for all needs, the small as well as the great, and especially is it adequate for the working out of the details that daily prove a drain upon our strength. Rejoice, Christian, for the wonderful grace of God is bestow­ ed upon you. OCTOBER 29 Scripture: Colossians 2:3 “ In whom aré hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Our world is mad for knowledge; a great thirst for wisdom is upon us. Education is a god to many people. Sacrifices for the sake of education are manifold. Let us remember that in Christ are to be found perfect wis­ dom and knowledge. Therefore, since we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, these treasures are for us. Let us seek Him in whom is found a full supply. OCTOBER 30 Scripture: Colossians 3:1-4 “Seek those things which are above . . . Set your affection on t h i n g s above.” Our love for God is measured by our obedience to His commands. In the foregoing Scripture, there are two di­ vine decrees. To “seek” implies the activity of search, the striving to grasp spiritual truths. To set one’s “affection on” signifies mental alertness to the things of God. Obedience to these commands involves volitional im­ pulse. If you will to do God’s will, the power to obey is given to you. Do you love Him enough to obey His com­ mands? OCTOBER 31 Scripture: Colossians 4:3, 4 “Praying . . . That I may make it [the Gospel ] manifest, as I ought to speak.” This prayer should be uttered for us also that we may make manifest the Gospel. Our privilege is to tell abroad the story of the love of Jesus and His gift to us. “Thou blessed Son of God Hast bought me with Thy blood, Jesus, my Lord. Oh, how great is Thy love,

All other loves above, Love that I daily prove, Jesus, my Lord.”

—James G. Deck. K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



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