King's Business - 1946-10

However, the hymn which would have made famous the name of Watts, had he never written another line, is: “Oh, God, our help in ages past.” Many famous men have acclaimed it as their favorite, among them John Bright, Canon Liddon, and Bishop Welldon. The first four verses formed the burial song of the old Russian Church. The entire hymn has been sung at more of Great Britain’s na­ tional celebrations than any other composition, except the national an­ them. Stories of this hymn are number­ less. A well-known London business man, who passed into the presence of the Lord in 1928, just before his death sustained a terrible blow in the sud­ den death of his only son. A young man of about thirty years of age, he was just about to assume the respon­ sibilities of his father’s business, when he was called to be with the Lord. The father was grief-stricken. A son- in-law visited him; the old man was sitting in an armchair with his eyes closed. Suddenly he burst into song with this famous hymn of Watts. The son-in-law joined in, and when they came to the verse, “Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away,” he felt a lump coming into his throat. He wondered whether the heartbroken parent would falter at these words. But no! he threw his head back and sang the verse through without a break, so firm was his faith in the inscrutable providence, the unerring wisdom of his Heavenly Father. This hyrtin is a masterpiece of sublime poetry and expression of ex­ ultant faith. It has been called “the greatest composition in the English tongue.” Whatever its poetic worth, its value to faith and hope in times of distress and trial immeasurably outweighs it. It is a hymn which will never die, because it is founded upon divine truth and universal human ex­ perience. And to its author—Dr. Isaac Watts—the world owes an immense debt of gratitude. Youth Groups to every home. Distribute regu­ larly... resultswill amaze you. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL Dr. W illard M. Aldrich, Editor P. O. Box 1-B Vancouver, Wash. 2nd GRADE— WHEE! I'll soon be going t'o College. Tell them I'm helping Daddy m ail your GLAD GOSPEL SONGS No. 1 and No. 2 “ The D an ce" and “ The Devil Goes a-Fishin’ " (M am a says they are good ). Any book 35c per copy postpaid, 3 for $1.00. GLAD GOSPEL PRESS 5221 E. Broaaway, Long Beach 3, Calif. SPREAD THE GOSPEL LIGHT IN YOUR COMMUN ITY 1 r tfii'»poMritul 4 monthi, impnnlrd •fill Mme4M I Extend the testimony of your Church, Sunday School or

“Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs, That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs.” There are many hymns from the pen of this able writer which call to mind times of joyful praise. In the house of God, and in open air serv­ ices, how many hearts have been stirred by such lines as: “Come ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known.” or: “Are we the soldiers of the Cross, The followers of the Lamb?” We must not omit Watts’ master­ piece of devotion, which has led to the consecration of so many lives to the service of Christ: “When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died.” The two best-known hymns of Dr. Watts have yet to be mentioned. The first is, perhaps, befit introduced by the following well-authenticated story: A hundred years ago the South Sea Islands were peopled with savage cannibal tribes. Of these the most ferocious were the people of Tonga. Missionaries went there, and in 1862, on Whitsunday, a most remarkable meeting took place. Thousands of na­ tives, presided over by “King George," an old colored monarch who had him­ self been a cannibal, gathered to de­ clare the Islands as Christian, and to exchange a heathen for a Christian form of government. The missionaries reported that as the people recalled how they had been saved from canni­ bal horrors, one after another broke down in sobs, while the congregation tried to sing a translation of Watts’ famous hymn: “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Doth his successive journeys run.” This hymn was the first great mis­ sionary hymn in our language, and it has thrilled thousands of hearts in all lands.

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