King's Business - 1946-10

Rev. Arthur Hedley, Dunstable, Beds., England, is a retired minister. Rev. Wm. J. Grant is pastor of the Beechen Grove Baptist Church, Wat­ ford, England. Miss Eunice Pike, R.N., is a mission­ ary to Mexico under Wydiffe Bible Translators, Inc. NEXT MONTH Watch for special Thanksgiving ar­ ticles by prominent leaders of the Church and attractive pictorial fea­ tures.

OUR AUTHORS THIS MONTH Rev. Vance Havner of Greensboro, North Carolina, is an evangelist and conference speaker. Dr. J. Oliver Buswell is president of the National Bible Institute of New York. N. Y. Major Robert Ekvall is a pioneer missionary to Tibet under tbe Chris­ tian and Missionary Alliance, now engaged in the intelligence service of the United States Army. Mr. Newman Watts is a British pub­ lisher and author. Dr. Philip B. Marquart is a Christian psychiatrist.

DON’T FORGET Our Free Subscription Fund for missionaries and servicemen still overseas. For two dollars you can give a lot of happiness to some­ one far away from home. CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRES, MOLINE, ILINOIS Offers you this value in magazine reading. | national fundamental magazine published six times a year I for only 25 cents - a little over 4 cents a copy. CHRISTLIFE MAGAZINE 25 cents A YEAR JAN. 1 1*47 SUBaCItlPrtON PAICS WILLas •• CKNTBAYKA* I Articles, stories, poems, games, etc. Send your name and ad* 5 dress together with 25 cents for a full \earssubscription to I CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRES, MOLINE, ILLINOIS j A non-denomi*

THE JEWS OF EUROPE— An Eye-Witness Account By Rev. Jacob Peltz

back long lists of names and address­ es of Hebrew Chris­ tians who are in great distress. Some of these are old, some are orphans, some are broken in body and spirit as a result of their suf­ fer in g s . We must help these Hebrew

Having just returned from’a three-months’ relief and preaching mission in Europe and the British Isles, I have seen distress and hunger, espe­ cially in Hungary, on an appa lling scale. I have talked to Jews and Jewish Christians who re­

W O R L D W I D E R E V I V A L HOUR A transcribed radio gospel message soon to be heard in all parts of the U. S. Write for station listings and complete information. AIM To get the old time gospel out over every station that will carry it. MESSAGE The good news, how that Christ d i e d for our sins, and t h a t He was buried, and that He rose again the third day. NEED Over $10,000 is needed by the end of 1946 to carry on this faith work. Remember us in your prayers and freewill of­ ferings. Evangelist Dick Koopmans Director

The Rev. Jacob Peltz

Christians now with food, clothing and other forms of relief. $5.00 will pay for a food packet. $10.00 per month will sup­ port one of our Hebrew Christians in Hungary. $50.00 will pay for a one month period of rest and rehabilitation in Switzer­ land of one of our He­ brew Christian mission­ aries in Germany. I implore Christians to help us carry on our ministry of relief and witness amongst the sur­ viving Jewish remnant of Eu­ rope. Your gift will be a pow­ erful testimony of a living, loving Saviour to the despair­ ing brethren of our Lord.

turned f r o m concentration camps, slave labor, or hiding. Some of these individuals were the only survivors of families of fifteen, twenty and twenty - five persons, all of whom w e r e exterminated. Never before have I seen so many broken, despairing Jews reaching out for the comfort I had to offer in the Gospel and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was a joy to see poverty- stricken Hebrew Christians wearing c loth ing which we had sent them and many spreading a table with the very food we had consigned from Chicago. I was told that were it not for such minis­ trations of relief we had ren­ dered, many would have de­ spaired and starved. From Europe I have brought

Free booklet, “ A Christian’s Attitude Toward the Jews” on request. Address Gifts and inquiries to : THE INTERNATIONAL HEBREW CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B„ B.D., Secretary

P. O. Box 684 Chicago 90, Illinois

Dept. B, 4919 N. Albany Avc., Chicago, 25, III. Canada: 91 Bellevue Ave., Toronto, Ontario

TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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