King's Business - 1946-10



W itji our com plete, fast-selling, religious line— SCRIPTURE T E X T CHRISTMAS CARD S. Every­ day Cards, Placques, Calendars. M anger Sets, Luminous Items, Bibles, Books, Novelties, G ifts, etc. Good profit easily made. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. W rite today for full inform ation and lib­ eral W holesale Price List. (3 Jno. 2) C. W . BOYER CO., Dept. KB, Dayton 5, Ohio 1946 GIFT BOOKLET “ The Last Hymn/* (poem), Selections and Songs, 5x7'/t in. New Radio Songs by Dr. Tovey and Nancy Hearn Griffin. Attrac­ tive covers and printing. For S. S. classes and general giving. Each 20c, 2 for 35c, 7 for $1.00. “ His Word” Publication*, P. Q. Box 327, Monterey Parle, Calif. FREE GOSPEL TRACTS One o f Am erica’s - oldest tract societies offers som e o f the finest Gospel tract's obtainable. Fine subjects to select from , attractively printed. W ith each sam ple package, we will also send a copy o f our paper, TH E FR E E TR AC T H A R ­ VE STE R , which is filled with real faith-inspir­ ing articles for the Christian w orkers. Send for yours today. POSTAGE ' AP PR ECIA TED . GOSPEL TRACT SOCIETY P. O. Box 14, Springfield, Mo. theGospelOUT i I* " proaching ? Then let ua work to get ^the Gospel OUT and the harvest IN* Ours Is the task o f sowing the Seed* W rite today for BIG Sam ple Packet o f cards and tracts — Send 25c. Appealing, convicting . . . Eagerly accepted by Sin« burdened souls. Also other supplies fog personal Evangelizing. W rite Dept, KB • F aith ,P rayeri T ract L eague , GRAND RAPIDS.*, MICH. 1 THE KING’S BUSINESS Twelve gifts in one—a whole year for only S2.00. Why not send in your Christmas subscriptions EARLY? Bolivian Indian Mision Pacific Coast Council $27 South Westmoreland Ave. Los Angeles 6, California Founded in 1907 Sponsoring Tw o Bible Institutes: Spanish and Quechua-speaking Wet la the “ End T im e” Ap-

Midway Point, T HERE are thousands of men dreary. When the lamp of hope is extinguished in the soul, the heart is as dark as a midnight without moon or stars. The soul bereft of hope either sinks into a state of apathetic melancholy or becomes desperate with its despair. Once I received an urgent call to visit a certain home. In a room, dark save for the glare of the fire, sat a young Cornishman with his head buried in his hands. He was in the grip of Giant Despair; all hope was gone. He was a brilliant musician, who on the threshold of his career had foujid himself going blind. Oper­ ation after operation had been per­ formed without success. He felt that he had nothing for which to live. Upon the mantelpiece lay a farewell letter to his sister in South Africa. Cursing God, he had resolved to die by his own hand. In that gloomy room we sat and talked until hope began to return. At last, on bended knee, he sought God’s forgiveness and grace to face life with faith and cour­ age. His prayer w^s abundantly an­ swered. Shortly thereafter came funds from a beloved sister which enabled him to emigrate to Australia. There his sight was restored, and he was able to follow his chosen profession. To a great extent, we all live by hope. It Is the hope of winning a coveted prize that moves the young student to concentrate upon his stud­ ies; it is the happy hope of marriage and home that inspires a young cou­ ple to sacrifice and save their money. But when the star of hope fades, there is no incentive for life or living.

California Coast The New Testament makes mention of “the hope of the gospel.” Certainly the Gospel of Christ is a message of hope to all mankind. It encourages the worst of men to believe that there is a way out. It assures them that In the very fact that their position is desperate there is hope. Their case is far more hopeful than the situation of those who, full of self-righteous­ ness and self-satisfaction, feel no need of salvation. The Pharisees be­ lieved themselves to be whole, hav­ ing no need of a physician (Matt. 9:12,13), while in reality their need was greater than that of the vilest sinner in Palestine. They were blind, deaf, dead in trespasses and sins, and knew it not (Matt. 23:24-28). If we feel our sin and guilt deeply; if we are in the grip of some evil habit which has beaten and baffled us for years, from which we long for deliv-

and women whose fondest hopes have been shattered, and for whom life has become very

Gi ve Us Th e B e s t ! IN SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE if you wish to keep us in Sunday School and teach us the Bible. G O S P E L L I G H T S E R I E S S u n d a y S ch o ol JtoiAouA. arc the best! They arc Scientific ALL BIBLE------------CLOSELY GRADED...............NOT DATED Present the Gospel of Christ, and cover the entire Bible in a fifteen rears curriculum from Beginners to Adults. Send for Free compendium.

/ ) k S f i c u i u A 7 ^ / These excellent lessons have now been pre­ pared in Spanish as a missionary project, with­ out profit Available to you •* AT COST. Translation work will continue until the enure

There is no waste material because lessons are not dated. Use leil-ovcr books the next year with a new class.


unit is ready

r-n —

Hvnn.lta C. Meat*. Editor

NOW HEADY: Year 1. Part 1 lor both luniors and


k JLi. r.

The G ospel lig h t P ress

Send lor FREE Spanish Compendium

I443-Á North Vine S t, Hollywood 28, Calif.



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