King's Business - 1946-10

A MEETING IN THE AIR A True Story By Philip B. Marquart, M. D.

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S INCE he became a pilot, Bob had made a practice of speaking to each new co-pilot about his soul. On this flight, however, Bob knew that Jerry, his co-pilot, was already saved. That had been a recent experience which was fresh in their minds. So, as they zoomed along over their com­ mercial route, they fell to talking of the wonderful Friend they had in Jesus. Both boys recalled the time, eight months ago, when they had flown together for the first time. Bob had spoken to Jerry about the Lord Jesus. Jerry, a bit discomfited, had listened respectfully, but would not accept the S a v i o u r . Bob wondered about his failure with J e r r y , and forthwith put him on his prayer list. Six months later, when Jerry was transferred to New York, he was thinking more and more seriously about his salvation. As it happened, another Christian pilot in New York invited Jerry to go to church one Sun­ day. Jerry went with him for two successive Sundays. On the third Sun­ day, Jerry had to attend church alone, because the other pilot was away. He answered the invitation to accept and confess Christ and was filled with the joy of salvation so that he had a good testimony when his friend returned. Following another transfer, Bob and Jerry were flying together again. They had prayer together as they For 5 Generations Ample Forking - I ._ , . . Closed Sundays THE place to shop for n . Liquor Sold, every food and house-^^y ^ ^ hold need. "Store Hours 9 o.m. to 6 p. m. - 31 Stores to Serve You

flew along—asking t h a t the Lord might use them to lead some soul to Christ. The “amen” was barely over before the stewardess opened the door. “There’s a passenger out here who would like to borrow a Bible,” she said to Bob, “I knew you would have one.” Bob h a n d e d her his much-worn Bible, with a questioning look. “Come back and tell us about it," he said to the girl. After an interval, the stewardess re­ turned. It seemed, she informed the pilot, that one passenger was attempt­ ing to explain the way of salvation to another passenger who was very much interested. “Here,” said Jerry, “Let’s send them a message.” He tore off a blank sheet of the ship’s log and wrote down— “We’re both of us saved. Are you? “Signed—Pilot and Co-Pilot.” The stewardess took the note to the passengers, and shortly she returned. “He’s having trouble explaining salvation to the guy,” she declared. “He wants one of you to come and help him.” Jerry went back, showed the pas­ senger how to be saved, and led him to Christ. His prayer and Bob’s of a few moments before was already an­ swered. This man had met the Lord in the air before the time. ER ICK PETERSON FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Phone VAndike 9483 730 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

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