King's Business - 1946-10

the power of His might.” Christ gives the courage we need. In the strength of the Lord, men have invaded dark continents with the Gospel, and have undertaken heroic tasks for the glory of Christ Jesus. The valor Christ gives is sound, sane, and sensible. It leads to godly living and Christian behavior; it builds one up while the false courage liquor gives destroys the life. November 24, 1946 “BE THANKFUL UNTO HIM.” Psa. 105:1-7; 136:1-26. The Lord does not often complain but when He does, He complains rather forcibly about the lack of thanksgiv­ ing. Read it in Romans 1:21. The Lord notices the presence or the ab­ sence of a thankful spirit. Thanksgiv­ ing denotes a right spirit toward the donor. Our restaurants are filled with those who daily consume God’s gracious provision with never a thought of gratitude to the Giver. Many people miraculously escape acci­ dents, but no word of praise comes from their lips. The heart that is true to God and true to its fellowmen will be filled with gratitude for every mercy. Christ will be praised for His great salvation, the Father will be worshiped for His many rich provi­ sions for our lives, and thanksgiving will be offered to the Spirit for His blessed leadership. In addition, there will be a spirit of gratitude to each one who adds to our joys and comforts. For Those Who Have Topics 1. GOD INVITES THANKFUL­ NESS. Psa. 100:4. Frequently in both the Old and the New Testaments, God calls from Heav­ en for thanksgiving on our part. He seems greatly to desire praise, wor­ ship, and gratitude from His creatures to whom. He shows such wonderful kindness. It seems strange that it should be necessary for Him to ask for it when all of His mercies should cause us to abound in thanksgiving and praise. It seems most unusual that He should even need to suggest thanksgiving when He has given us His own Son to save us and to pro­ vide a Heaven for our home. All of His mercies to us, spiritual, physical, and material, should call out frorp our hearts constantly through the day words of thanksgiving and songs of praise. Because we are so unthankful, He finds it necessary to request ex­ pressions of gratitude. This is to our shame. Let us fill the courts of Heaven with our songs of gratitude. 2. WE SHOULD PROMOTE THANKFULNESS. 2 Cor. 9:11. There are many ways in which we can promote gratitude in the hearts of others. When we see some new truth in the Scriptures and convey it T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

not to see the approaching danger. Christ Jesus removes the cause of worry, bears the burden Himself, and brings a remedy. He invites people to come to Him and rest. He invites them to let Him pardon sin and bear the brunt of the battle so they can rest in His love and trust in His care. Liquor curses the body, the life, and the family, and removes nothing but money, health and character. 2. DRINK OFFERS HAPPY FEL­ LOWSHIP? “Good fellow.” 1 Cor. 1:9). “Good fellows” get together for fel­ lowship. This fellowship consists of hilarious behavior, filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit, and often in fights with resulting physical damage. Such fellowship is expensive as well as transient. It lasts for an hour or two and leaves a headache, an empty purse, and sad memories. This fellow­ ship is not for good but for evil. It injures the soul, wrecks the body, and constantly demands more and more of the same evil companionship. The sa­ loon keeper gets the money, the devil gets the soul, and the jail gets the body. Such fellowship has nothing whatever in it that is profitable for man or helpful to his heart. God calls us to the fellowship of His Son, which is the only truly happy fellow­ ship there is. 3. DRINK OFFERS PHYSICAL SATISFACTION? John 7:37. The satisfaction which the body re­ ceives from drinking liquor is a very temporary, transient, and evanescent satisfaction. It soon vanishes and then the body demands an additional supply. In order to obtain more, the drink addict will take the pay that belongs to the wife and the children and leave them hungry. He will spend for liquor the money that should be used for clothes for himself and the family and for educating his children. Liquor makes insatiable demands upon its devotees. They never get enough. Liquor promotes every evil in the body by arousing its every passion. It does not attract to the things that are good and profitable but to the things that are filthy and degrading. Fellowship with Christ makes one satisfied physi­ cally and spiritually and enables him to be helpful to others. 4. DRINK OFFERS COURAGE AND FORTITUDE? Eph. 6:10. Many men drink because they think it will add to their courage, strength and endurance. They drink before they perform some hazardous under­ taking. They drink before entering into a situation where they know they may have a brawl with another drunk­ ard. They want courage to fight and choose liquor as its source. Our bless­ ed Lord offers to be the strength for His people and He encourages believ­ ers to “be strong in the Lord and in

II HURTSA MOTHER “We are physically exhausted due to years of extreme priva­ tion, heavy labor, and mental agony,” writes an anguished He­ brew Christian mother in Ger­ many. “We often lack the strength to do even the daily chores. “My dear husband suffered a complete breakdown in health. The doctor says it is nervous ex­ haustion. He cannot move be­ cause of pain in his back, head, and whole face. He must be nursed like a child. I pray to the Lord to heal him and to give me the strength to attend to him. “Our three children aged 14,13, and 5, are very delicate and un­ dernourished. You can under­ stand how it hurts me, their mother, to see their condition, es­ pecially at the time of their growth, when nourishing food is so important, and I cannot do anything to help. I tell my chil­ dren the Lord knows our distress and He will surely send His help somehow. “I would rather give than take, but the Lord knows best, and we accept His will. "What we need most are fats, rice, beans, peas, noodles, flour, sugar, dried milk, egg powder, and dried fruit, also some coffee. My work at home exhausts me so much and a cup of coffee re­ freshes me. We also are in need of soap. “The children need clothing— shoes, stockings, underwear—in­ deed everything. I also need some diapers and an outfit for a new baby soon to arrive. I have no old rags to tear up. All our things were stolen when we were in concentration camps. “Your letter brought us no end of comfort. May the Lord re­ ward you and bless you.” Christian mothers and fathers, Friends of Israel, let this cry of an anguished mother’s heart not go unheeded. Help us to help her and thousands like her in su­ preme need. Send your gifts to: THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISSION* ARY AND RELIEF SOCIETY, INC. 728-K W itherspoon Building Philadelphia 7» Pa.

D r. Joseph T. Britan, Treasurer Rev. V ictor Buksbazen, B .D ., General Secretary Treasurer fo r C anada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M .A ., D .D . Principal, Alm a College St. Thom as, Ontario, Canada

Our quarterly bulletin, IS R A E L M Y GLORY, sent to all contributors and also on request


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