King's Business - 1946-10

to another, that will cause a new note of praise to ascend to the God of Heaven. When we recount some new story of God’s deliverance, that will produce a spirit of thanksgiving in the hearts of our friends who will rejoice with us in the mercy of God. When we relate some miracle of the Gospel power, this will cause much thanks­ giving to God in the hearts of those who have labored and prayed with the one who found the Lord. When we perform some gracious act in the church, this causes the congregation to be filled with happy songs to the God of Heaven. Thus we promote thanks­ giving. 3. WE SHOULD MINGLE THANKS­ GIVING WITH OUR PRAYERS. Phil. 4:6. When we ask for some blessing from Heaven, we should always be grateful to God for former answers to similar petitions. As we thank Him for past mercies, we receive new bless­ ings. As we present our petitions be­ fore the throne of grace, we mingle them with thanksgiving because of the kindness of God who delights to give more than we ask or think. Our hearts are led to praise Him as we see His loving power displayed on our be­ half. Thus the heart of God is made to rejoice because we come to Him with happy and thankful anticipation. We pray also with gratitude because of the great answer we expect. ‘‘Our expectation is from him,” and so we rejoice in the full assurance of His interest in us. 4. WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR FOOD. 1 Tim. 4:3. If we would remember the tremen­ dous price of a meal which we receive at a nominal sum, our hearts would be filled with more gratitude than they are. What labor and expense are connected with obtaining the trees from the forest for the table and chairs—the linen from the flax—the silver from the mine—the salt from its bed and the sugar from the plant! Then when we think of the grains, the fruits, the vegetables, and the meats that somebody had to plan and prepare before they were ready for our con­ sumption, surely we should be led to “praise God from whom all blessings flow.” When we consider also the wonderful body God has given us, which separates the nutritious part from the refuse, and then appropriates that which is good for the health, surely we will bow our hearts and heads in gratitude and loving worship.


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