King's Business - 1946-10

phecies of the Word of God aright, and particularly Deuteronomy 28-30, it would seem that God Himself is the One who is to hand this land over to the sons of Israel. The occasion for the Lord’s doing this will be a wholesale, individual and national repentance be­ fore God on the part of the Jews of the world. It would seem that God is not in a movement that would cir­ cumvent genuine confession and turn­ ing from sin, and our belief is that there will be no peace in the Holy Land until God Himself brings it to pass. Today God waits for that na­ tional humbling of themselves on the part of His chosen people. ★ ★ World Trouble Maker T HE infamous title of “Public Ene­ my No. 1” among the nations has shifted to the U. S. S. R. Our own Secretary of State has placed the blame of the failure of the Paris peace talks squarely at the door of the So­ viets, while at the same time trying very hard to avoid any unnecessary aggravation of Russia. Our diplomats have found it next to impossible to deal with the Soviets on any and all matters concerned with wofld affairs. In the mind of the average layman, the entire question is a confused mass of misstatement and misunderstand­ ing. One day it is reported that Rus­ sia agrees to a certain proposition, and the other nations thankfully pass on it. But the next morning, the Soviets have entirely reversed themselves and want something entirely different. Never in the history of diplomacy have our statesmen been involved in such a confused state of affairs. What is the reason for it? Why do not the Soviets say what they believe and stick to it? Why all of this evasiveness and subtle, underhanded double - dealing? The answer, we believe, lies below the sur­ face. It is to be found in the sinful, utterly depraved, and irresponsible nature of men who have cast God out 'o f their lives. Without Him, and His principles of governing the universe, there is absolutely nothing left but selfish, sinful, dishonest, shameful ac­ tions. Let America be forewarned, when endeavoring to deal with a nation of this type. There is only one language which can be understood. That is the show of greater power sufficient to enforce our righteous demands. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Christ was brave and noble Paul! What persecution he endured, what shipwreck, what imprisonment, what hunger! Truly his very body was an eloquent testimony to the love he bore his Lord. I am sure that when Christians reach the Glory Land, the status of their bank account and their social standing in the community will not be examined. God will not make inquiry about their real estate holdings or ask whether or not they appeared in “Who’s Who.” But I believe there will be considerable interest exhibited in those who bear in their body the scars of the Lord Jesus, who have borne persecution and misunderstanding for Him, arid who have endured ridicule and ostracism on His account. These are the marks which will be badges of honoi’ for the bearer as eternities follow eternities. ★ ★ What About Palestine? S CARCELY a week passes in which the editorial office of The King's Business does not receive printed ma­ terial from the Zionist movement. As most of our readers are aware, this is an organization of the Jews of the world which has as its purpose the es- tablishrrient of a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine. The interna­ tional press has been filled with ac­ counts of the attempts of the Jews to have this land declared theirs. There have been Jewish mass meetings in our land and terrorist activities in Palestinfe. Diplomatic pressure has been brbught to bear on the British government to force them to go on record iavoring this cause, but that nation has firmly 'insisted that there are two sides to the question and that it is not ready as yet to accede to the demands of the Zionist movement. Apparently this attitude angered the Jews oi the world, and forces are being redoubled to bring about a real­ ization of their national hopes. We firmly believe that the land of Palestinfe belongs to the Jews, and we believe that in God’s time they will be established there under their own gov­ ernment and with the right to be num­ bered among the nations of the world again. However, we question v e r y seriously their right to obtain this land by means of terrorism, political in­ trigue, and force. If we read the pro­

Change in Paper T HE first note we wish to sound in this October issue of The King's Business is that of praise to God for His goodness to us in supplying our needs as a magazine. With this issue we greet our readers from a better grade of paper, and also with a better method of print. It was about eight years ago, when the depression was fully upon us, that the question of the continuance of the magazine required an abrupt de­ cision. We were forced to print it more economically or to cease publi­ cation. The directors of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles chose, under God, to use cheaper paper, which saved the magazine; but for this inter­ vening period we have been ever desir­ ous of returning to our former method of printing, and to “slick” paper. We trust that our subscribers will enjoy the magazine to a greater degree be­ cause of its improved readability. However, at this time it becomes necessary to make a slight increase in our annual subscription price. This is occasioned not alone by the change in paper, but by rising production costs of which everyone is aware. We trust that our readers will stand by and continue to support us as they have during the past thirty-six years. Our pledge before God is the same, that we will faithfully endeavor to set forth the truth of God as it is in our Lord Jesus Christ. ★ ★ Scars T HE writer remembers a sermon preached by the late Billy Sunday many years'ago in which the listeners were asked what scars they bore for the Lord Jesus. In these days when it is comparatively easy to be a Chris­ tian, some of us have lost sight of the cost which the early Christians paid for bearing the name of Christ. The Apostle Paul, who was without doubt the greatest Christian of all times (I do not call the Lord Jesus a Christian; He is God), stated: “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” The word translated “marks” is in the original Greek stigmata, which is derived from a word meaning “to brand.” Weymouth rendered this clause: “For as for me, I bear, branded on my body, the scars of Jesus as my master.” How scarred indeed for 2

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