King's Business - 1946-10

hi . T he E xample for the C hurch ( P h il . 2 : 6 - 11 ) Here is essential equality with God. Christ ever was, is, and forever will be, essential Deity. Hence, He had ho ambition to become God, since He was God. Here is perfect submission to God. In humility, the Sovereign became the servant; the Ruler became the sub­ ject; the Commander became the sol­ dier. Here is exaltation by God. Because of His subjection to God, for God’s purpose, at God’s time, Jesus is now exalted to God’s right hand, and one day He will be acclaimed by every created intelligence in the universe, as Lord of all. His pathway to the heights led through the depths; for us, too, “the way up is down.” The heaviest branches stoop the lowest; the fullest ships are seen the least. The example for all Christians is the humility of their Lord (Matt. 11:29, 30). Points and Problems 1. "We came with a straight course to Samothracia" (Acts 16:11). On this occasion, the Lord permitted no diffi­ culties to beset the pathway of His servants. There were no contrary winds; the going was very easy. The nautical term indicates that they sailed before the wind on an easy course. God’s servants ofttimes enjoy such experiences as they serve the Lord, but it is not always so. Some­ times He allows the contrary winds to blow and difficulties to hinder the journey (Matt. 14:24). God knows which way is best for us—the easy way or the hard way. He promises to be with His servants in either case, if they are doing His will. 2. "By a river side, where prayer Was wont to be made" (Acts 16:13). The humble beginnings of Gospel work in Europe are described in these words. Apparently there was no syn­ agogue. The rabbis required ten men to establish such an institution. But here there were only a few women in­ terested in the things of God. Through them, God planted a work that was to spread over all Europe and beyond. If there is no building, God can use the open air by whcih to forward His cause. 3. "And when she was baptized, and her household" (Acts 16:15). Some use this passage as an argument for infant baptism, which is unwarranted. There is nothing in these words to indicate that there were any infants in Lydia’s house. The term translated "household" simply means the in­ mates of a house. Who these inmates were is not known—possibly no more than the'women employed-by Lydia

15:4). (We usually tell all of the things that we have done for God rather than telling what God has done with us!) When Paul and Barnabas told the Christians in Jerusalem about the trouble in Antioch, they, too, began arguing about what one must do to be saved. At last, Peter and James helped the Christians to settle their argument. They chose two men to re­ turn to Antioch with Paul and Barna­ bas to tell the Church there what they had decided. With these men they sent letters telling the Gentiles what they must do to be saved, and what they should do in their Christian lives. How happy the Gentiles were when they received these letters from their Christian friends in Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus surely was pleased with His children who had learned to work together rather than fighting over their problems. God’s Word says, "By love serve one another” (Gal. 5:13). God is pleased when His children today pray about their problems and differences until they know His will. As they walk to­ gether in His way, His love will cause them to want to serve one another. LESSON FO R N O V E M B E R 10 The Church Reaches Out LESSON M A T ER IA L : Acts 16:11-15: Phil. 2:5-11. ’ GOLDEN T E X T : “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). Outline and Exposition I. T he E xtension of the C hurch (A cts 16 : 11 - 15 ) Answering a cry for help, Paul went to Philippi, and found there a group of women in the place “where prayer was wont to be made.” When speak­ ing to them, he doubtless referred to the Lord’s person, His power and His glory; and certainly he spoke of the Gospel of grace. One of these women was Lydia, first fruits of the Gospel in Europe, whose heart the Lord opened to receive the gift of eternal life through simple faith in Christ. She acknowledged her death to all her old life by being bap­ tized, and she manifested her new life and oneness with the Lord’s peo­ ple as she “constrained” them to abide in her house. II. T he E xhortation to the C hurch ( P h il . 2 : 5 ) The mind of Christ, allowed to sway the life, will produce a Christllke life, thus fulfilling God’s desire for all of His own. The person who allows the mind of Christ to prevail will think as Christ thinks, act as He acts, and love both God and than, as He loves. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” is the pathway to the kind of living which is pleasing unto God.

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