King's Business - 1946-10

who, like her, had heard the preaching of Paul, and had believed. This, at least, harmonizes with other passages which clearly show that faith must precede baptism (Acts 8:36, 37). 4. "And she constrained us" (Act 16:15). This is an evidence of the reality of Lydia’s conversion. She de­ sired the fellowship of God’s servants. She shows the Christian virtue of hos­ pitality (Rom. 12:13). Faith must ex­ press itself. For the Children A M e e tin g b y a R iverside A cts 16:11-15 MEMORY VERSE: “By love serve one another” (Gal. 5:13). Paul was the first great missionary to go into other lands to tell the story of the Lord Jesus Christ. On one of Paul’s trips he visited the city of Philippi. The Christians in Philippi had a habit of praying out­ side of the city at the edge of the river. One Sabbath day, Paul and those who were with him met with these Christians. They sat down and talked with the women who had gathered there to pray. In the group was a wealthy woman named Lydia. Lydia lived in another town, but she wanted to worship God with the Philippian Christians. As Lydia heard Paul preach, the Lord Jesus spoke to her heart; and she decided to receive Him as her Saviour. She and those who had come with 'her r e c e i v e d the Saviour and were baptized in the river to show others that now they be­ longed to Him. After Lydia was baptized, she in­ vited the missionaries to live in her home for a while. What might have happened if Lydia had not been faithful in worshiping on God’s day when she was in a strange city? She might never have found the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. Sometimes when Christian boys and girls are on a trip or are in another place for a vacation they forget to go to Sunday school and church. Perhaps there is some blessing for them that God cannot give to them in any other place. God’s Word commands us not to forget to meet with His children for worship. Sometimes a Christian boy or girl visiting in a church where God’s Word is not taught can be a real missionary by telling those who worship there a b o u t the Saviour. Sometimes C h r i s t i a n s are visiting where there are no church buildings, but they may still worship on Sun­ day. They may talk to the boys and girls about them, telling them of the Lord Jesus. Perhaps they, too, may have a prayer meeting by a lake or upon a mountain top. Remember to worship God upon His day no matter where you may be. He may use you to win some “Lydia” to Him. T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


L I B R A R Y o f 16MM SOUND MOTION PICTURES j/n, Cyfflodcm v

PROJECTORS —2"x2” slides—Moving Picture. Church Histories and Wed­ dings. Send in your 16MM pictures for a “ Christian News Reel.“ List of EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN FILMS____Preview - l>"° for further information and descriptive booklets address: X 8 f JOSEPH CALHOON 2842 E. 126th St. WHlowbrook, OmHf. (Just North of Compton)

Johnnie’s on the campus again,

his buddy was refused entrance to Wheaton because there was no room for him. O f the ex-service­ men who applied for entrance last year, only a little more than half could be admitted. Several new housing units have been added— but inquiries and ap­ plications for admission continue to come in by the thousands. More dormitories are needed! More din­ ing halls are needed! Won’t you ask the Lord what He would have you do in this time of Wheaton’s need? A gift TODAY means having a part in training Christian leaders of TOMORROW.Your investment in young Christian lives will pay dividends in time and eternity.

For fu ll information concern­ ing Wheaton’s needs and plans fo r the future, write to: WHEATON C O L L E G E Sox No. KA-106 Wh.oton, IO. " For Christ and Hit K ingdom "

Wheaton graduate* go forth as pastors, missionaries, evangelists, Christian business and professional men and women. Wherever they go they become soul-win­ ners for the Lord Jesus.


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