by the great missionary, Paul, beside a river. No matter where Paul was on God’s day, he always worshiped the Lord. Paul and his frien'd Silas spent many months traveling from one city to an other to preach the Gospel. One Sab bath day they were in the city of Thes- salonica. The Jews in this city wor shiped God in a building called a synagogue. A l t h o u g h they wor shiped God, they did not worship the Lord Jesus Christ, nor did they believe that He was the Son of God. Paul did not try to show these Jews how brilliant he was; he did not argue with them. He opened God’s Word and let it speak to them. For three Sabbath days he showed them from the Scriptures “that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I [Paul] preach unto you, is Christ” (Acts 17:3). Some of the Jews be lieved the Gospel story, and there was a great multitude of Greeks and many women who also became Christians. If Paul had been like some Chris tians living today, he w o u l d have sat quietly in the synagogue and said nothing when he knew that t h e s e people were not Christians. But Paul had real courage to stand up before these strangers and to tell them about the Saviour. In fact, some of the Jews were angry and tried to harm Paul. At last the Christians in Thessalonica had to help Paul and Silas escape out of the city at night. Paul would have willingly given his life if by so doing others could have f o u n d the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Because of his God-given courage, thousands of new Christians also became mission aries in their homes and in their cities, telling the salvation message, “Believe on the Lord J e s u s Christ and thou shalt be saved.”
LE SSON FO R N O V E M B E R 2 4 The Gospel Confronting Paganism LESSON M A T E R IA L : Act* l7:22-28a; 18:1-4; 1 Cor. 1:22-25 ; 3:1-3. GOLDEN T E X T : "F o r other foundation can no man lay than th at is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11).
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Outline and Exposition I.
D e a l in g W it h I g n o r a n c e ( A cts 17:22-28a; 18:1-4)
Paul was deeply moved at Athens, the home of the leading philosophers, scientists, and orators, when he saw their superstitions. They had erected altars to all known gods, yet were convinced there must be some su preme god, so they erected one to the “unknown god,” whom they “igno rantly” worshiped. They were agnos tics, or “not knowing” people, they called themselves the intelligentsia, but their teaching was all negative. At the same time, they were most dog matic and intolerant of the views of others. Paul revealed their true condition by declaring that they were very re ligious (v.22), very ignorant (v.23), and very guilty (vs. 24-28). They should have known God as the source of all things, the all-sufficient One, the sustenance and support of all liv ing things. From Athens with its intellectual- ism, Paul moved to Corinth with its unspeakable licentiousness. Here he met friends of his own trade, and with them he stayed (Acts 18:1-3). II. D e a l in g W it h F oo lishn e ss (1 C or . 1:22-25) At Corinth, Paul preached the cru cified Christ, a stumbling block to the Jews who looked for a reigning Christ rather than a sufferer, and foolish ness to the,Greeks to whose human wisdom the Cross seemed a defeat. But it is that Cross which works the sentence of death upon the best as well as the worst, closes the lips of boasting men, and proves to be the power of God and the wisdom of God to those who are saved. III. D e a lin g W it h C a r n a l it y (1 C or . 3:1-3) Instead of making progress, these Corinthians remained like babes, liv ing on spiritual milk, and unable to assimilate strong meat. They were carnal Christians. One may be a babe and not carnal, but one cannot remain a babe without becoming carnal. But the Gospel is the cure for car nality whatever the cause. The carnal Christian walks according to man, not seeing God; while the spiritual Chris tian walks according to God’s will. THE KING’ S BUSINESS
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