Out and Out for Jesus (Continued from Page 27) ot the Primeval Forest, Knibb of Jamaica, Grenfell of Labrador, Paul of Tarsus, and hundreds like them. All were enthusiasts; they were out and out In their service for Jesus Christ Unqualified Wholeheartedness Jesus gave an example of whole heartedness. He could have said, with Paul, “This one thing I do.” “He sted- fastly set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). He did always those things which pleased His Father. He did always those things which would help and save men. There was no half-heartedness about His making Himself of no reputation, and taking upon Himself the likeness of men; that wholeheartedness also charac terized His mendicant life, and His atoning death on Calvary’s Cross. The whole example and atmosphere of the New T e s t a m e n t is one of sincerity and wholeheartedness. Jesus challenged the h y p o c r i s y of the Pharisees, and the indifference of the disciples. He would have them either out and out for Him, or nothing at all to Him. A nurse was in my congregation one Sunday. During the sermon, I told the story of a young Indian Christian who had been faced with a great challenge. She had a well-paid situation in the Y.W.C.A. Owing to transport diffi culties, it was impossible to get Euro pean missionaries to occupy vacant positions in missionary work, so the missionary society appealed to this young Indian Christian, although it meant far less security, and much less salary. She accepted. Some days later, I had a letter from this nurse, and h e r e is an -extract from it: “I thank you for the help I received from your sermon last Sun day morning. I have always been very k e e n on missionary service abroad, but have been unable to go for several reasons until now when I have been offered a job in a Medical College in India. Now it has come so near to my being accepted for this service, a number of doubts and diffi culties have arisen in my mind. I am in quite a good position now, with a good salary. It has taken a good many years and a good deal of hard work to reach this. The question arose —could I give up all this now? Your sermon left me in no doubt as to the course I must take, especially after the example of the Indian girl who had so much to lose by accepting the work of the Baptist Missionary Society. I knew last Sunday morning I must go, and the future will be well pro vided for.” Such are the servants Jesus seeks: those who hold nothing back, who are out and out for Him in everything. TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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