The Book of Genesis
“ Some time since I had my attention called to C.H .M .’s Notes, and was so much pleased and at the same time profited by the way they opened up Scripture truths, that if they could not be replaced, I would rather part with my entire library, excepting my Bible, than with these writings. They have been to me a very key to the Scriptures.”_______
The Book of Exodus III The Book of Leviticus IV The Book of Numbers V The Book of Deuteronomy CH A PTE RS I-V I VI The Book of Deuteronomy CH A PTE RS V II-X X X IV
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“ C. H. M.” has long stood for the author o f these “ Notes.” The full name is Charles H.' McIntosh, a devout student o f the word, whose writings have been blessed to thousands the world over. He belonged to that school o f students o f the Bible who believe in the entire inspiration and absolute infallibility of the Bible as the Word of God. He approaches a study of the Bible untrammeled by any o f the modern criticism, but deeply inspired by his own firm faith. The result is these “ Notes”— beyond a question the most complete study of the Books of Moses from a New Testament point o f view. To those who have not studied the Pentateuch from this viewpoint, these Notes will come as a revelation; they will give all Christians a marvelous vision o f God’s plan for the redemption of man.
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