CONTROLLER TO SEQUENCER WIRING – BOARD REV: UPC7115-A Wiring to the GARN WHS controller with a UPC7115A board requires a chip with version V1.21 or greater. The latest version of the chip is supplied with the purchase of the electric heating package, but if the equipment has been acquired second-hand (used), it is prudent to check the version to make sure the heating package will function correctly. Check the chip version number by looking at the label applied to the chip.
Two (2) conductors are wired from the OUT and COM connections on the board (terminals T10 and T11) to the A and B terminals, respectively, on the sequencer. The C terminal on the sequencer is unused.
GARN® WHS Electric Heating Package Manual ©DECTRA CORPORATION - May 2016 (Supersedes September 2015 edition)
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