There are 4 main components that work together to create the GARN Electric Heating Package:
1. WHS/ETS digital controller (supplied by GARN)
The digital controller receives a signal from the utility indicating that off-peak power is available and then sends a signal to the sequencer to turn on the elements if certain criteria are met. The name “GARN WHS/ETS” on the digital controller label is derived from two acronyms: “ Wood Heat Storage ” and “ Electric Thermal S torage”
2. Sequencer (supplied by GARN)
The sequencer turns the elements on one after another to provide a gradual power-up. The sequencer is composed of a series of breakers and time-delay relays. Power to the sequencer is supplied from an electrical panel (or directly from a utilty meter) and is connected to the breakers inside of the sequencer. Then a pair of conductors is wired from the output contacts of the time delay relays to each element. One time-delay relay serves one element.
A single sequencer can serve up to 33.0 kW. In the case of the 49.5 kW package, 2 sequencers are provided and both must be field installed and wired.
Two (2) sequencers are provided with the 49.5 kW package.
3. Electric Elements and Element Box (supplied by GARN)
The Electric Elements are made of Incoloy®, a high-grade nickel and chromium alloy. The electric resistive elements are embedded in a lime and sand mixture inside of the Incoloy casing. The elements are Low-Watt Density which provides the safest and most robust option for heating with electricity.
4. Power Supply for Electric Elements (from Electric Panel or directly from a Utility meter) (supplied by others – usually the utility)
The power source for the electric elements must come from a building electrical panel or directly from a utility meter. The power is supplied to the sequencer, and the sequencer then distributes the power to the elements. If power is being supplied by a panel, then the panel must be properly sized and rated for the power draw of the electric heating package being installed.
The specific type of utility meter can vary based on the utility supplying the meter and the programs they offer: Smart Meter, Time-of-Day Meter, Off-Peak Meter,
GARN® WHS Electric Heating Package Manual ©DECTRA CORPORATION - May 2016 (Supersedes September 2015 edition)
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