Obiorah Fields, LLC - March 2020

In civil suits where the plaintiff claims the defendant failed to perform a key part of their legally obligated responsibilities, the plaintiff will also request that the defendant pay damages. In short, damages are an amount of money the defendant pays the plaintiff if a judge or jury finds any fault on the part of the defendant. There are many different types of damages, and exactly which types of damages are awarded can vary case to case. Here are three of the most common forms of damages. AND HOW DO I FIND OUT HOW MUCH I’M ENTITLED TO? WHAT ARE DAMAGES

WHOSE PICKS WILL GO ALL THE WAY? MARCH MADNESS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY One of the greatest things about March Madness is that you don’t have to be a huge college basketball fan to get in on the fun. Kids of all ages can fill out brackets — or have a parent fill one out for them — and watch their picks duke it out on the court. While healthy competition among family members can be fun all on its own, check out the following tips if you’re looking to go the extra mile and reap as much fun from March Madness as you can. Not every kid may like watching basketball, but if they fill out a bracket, then they might gain at least a passing interest in who will win each game. To elevate their interest, turn each March Madness matchup into a little party. It doesn’t have to be fancy; make fun snacks to eat while you watch or bet pieces of candy on who will have the most points to create great family bonding opportunities. Offer prizes to each round winner as well as the overall bracket winner to get the whole family involved. Small prize ideas for each round can include a homemade dinner of the winner’s choice, a week’s supply of their favorite snack, or a coupon for getting out of a chore. Whoever wins the whole tournament (or makes it the furthest with their bracket) deserves a bigger reward. Offer them the chance to see a movie of their choice in theaters or to eat a meal at their favorite restaurant. TURN EACH GAME INTO AN EVENT. REWARD THE WINNERS WITH PRIZES.


Also known sometimes as “economic damages,” special compensatory damages usually equal the exact cost of medical bills, property damages, loss of wages, or any other quantifiable loss related to the case. These are the most common damages demanded because they’re the easiest to quantify.


These damages are similar to special compensatory damages but refer to the less quantifiable losses involved in a case. Some losses that a plaintiff might seek general compensatory damages for are a loss of comfort (pain and suffering), a loss of peace of mind (undue stress and anxiety), or a loss of companionship or consortium. These damages might also be referred to as “noneconomic damages.” These damages are less common than compensatory damages and are typically only awarded in cases where the at-fault party was willfully negligent or wantonly malicious. Some examples of this type of behavior might be financial fraud or aggravated battery. Sometimes, when the at-fault party has deep pockets, like a drug manufacturer or major tech company might, juries will award punitive damages to plaintiffs who suffer harm from one of their products. Figuring out exactly which damages you’re entitled to in a medical malpractice, personal injury, or workers’ comp case can be complicated. Talk to the experienced attorneys at Obiorah Fields, LLC today to find out how much compensation you’re entitled to. Call 404-495-5258 for a free case evaluation. PUNITIVE DAMAGES


Learning math or geography might not sound like your child’s idea of fun, but it can be when they learn it through the lens of March Madness. See if your kids would be interested in understanding the inner workings of the ranking system or studying where some of the qualifying colleges are located on a map of the United States. They may find it so interesting that they don’t even realize they’re learning valuable skills.

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