17 2014

The figure advanced in the direction of the car. Once again the cloth was brought towards her mouth, her slender neck cupped until the moans ceased. The figure hovered over the woman breathlessly, piteously assaulting her body, tears embracing her as he did so, until no facet of beauty remained in her once angelic features. And so it was that I situated her body in the upper rafters of the house beside a dim light and gently caressed the contours of her face.However, over time it came to me that her once palpable beauty started to fade and I realised that it had been me who had caused this to happen. I had nullified the very thing I had come to love, the light of my life, the fire of my loins. I burned with anger and sorrow. I was left with little alternative: having destroyed the beauty I once tried to preserve, I exited the room and cast the woman into perpetual darkness, leaving her in the shadowed rafters where she belonged. Alas, death is the only immortality she and I may share.

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