
Move your body— boost your brain. 动动身体,活跃脑筋

Brain memory cells “talk” to each other at connections called synapses, which send and receive small “packets” of chemicals or electrical signals. Chemical reactions within the cells then translate the message for the receiving cell. This takes place every millisecond of every day at trillions of synapses in the brain. 大脑记忆细胞在称为突触的连接处彼此“交流”,发送和接收化学或电信号 的“包囊”。细胞内的化学反应将之传达至接受信号的细胞。这种反应在每 天每毫秒,在数万亿的大脑突触发生。

该研究对数十名年龄介于70-80岁,患有轻度认 知障碍妇女进行研究。受试者回答了空间和口头 记忆的问题,接着被分成三组。一组定时举重, 另一组专注于轻快步行,另一组则做简单的伸展 运动。6个月后,做伸展运动的一组的记忆测试 成绩最差,而其他两组的成绩较好。虽然两个运 动组别在空间记忆(您对东西的地点或摆放位置 的记忆)测试方面获得改善,但是,在口头记忆 (您的言语记忆)方面,轻快步行的那一组比举 重的组别进步最大。 研究人员的结论认为,虽然运动对认知功能产生 正面的影响,但是耐力训练和体重训练可能在大 脑中产生不同的生理效应,并促使不同类型记忆 的改善。

虽然现在有超过12,000份医学期刊文章详细说明了 Omega-3的健康益处,但是说明Omega-3如何提供这 些健康益处的文章却很少。这正是艾伯塔大学所进行的 研究。在2012年10月份于应用生理学,营养与代谢期刊 中发表的文章中,Yves Sauve博士与他的研究小组发现 鱼类中的Omega-3如何影响人类的记忆。Sauve博士 说:“我们发现当该脑区域的DHA水平较高时,海马体 的记忆细胞能与其他细胞更有效地沟通和传达信息。” Sauve博士与他的研究小组发现,当人们在饮食中摄取 DHA,更多的Omega-3脂肪酸将被储存于大脑。这些发 现证实了研究,表明饮食中高含Omega-3或Omega-3 营养补助品有助保护记忆,并预防DHA水平随着年龄增 长而下降。 The study followed dozens of women ages 70–80 who suffer from mild cognitive impairment. Participants answered questions that tested spatial and verbal memory, then they were divided into three groups. One group regularly lifted weights, one group engaged in brisk walking, and the third group simply stretched. After 6 months, the stretching group scored worse on the memory tests, while the other two groups performed better. While both exercising groups improved on the spatial memory test (your remembrance of where things are located or placed), the women who walked showed greater improvements in verbal memory (your ability to remember words) than the group who had lifted weights. Researches concluded that while exercise positively impacts cognitive function, endurance training and weight training might have different physiological effects within the brain and cause improvements in different types of memory.

A study conducted at the University of British Columbia and published in the February 24, 2013 edition of The Journal of Aging Research , found that there was a direct correlation between exercise and memory. 在英属哥伦比亚大学进行的一项研究,并发 表于2013年2月24日的老龄化研究期刊,指 出运动与记忆的直接关联。 While there are now more than 12,000 medical journal articles detailing the health benefits of omega-3s, few of them address how omega-3s are able to deliver the benefits. That’s exactly what researchers from the University of Alberta set out to do. In a study published in the October 2012 issue of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism , Yves Sauve, Ph.D., and his team set out to discover how omega-3s in fish improve memory in humans. “What we discovered,” says Dr. Sauve, “is that memory cells in the hippocampus could communicate better with each other and better relay messages when DHA levels in that region of the brain were higher.” Sauve and his team found that when the diet is supplemented with DHA, more of the essential omega-3 fatty acids are deposited in the brain. This finding supports the existing body of research that indicates a diet high in omega-3s and/or dietary supplementation with omega-3s may protect memory and prevent declining DHA levels in the brain as we age.

Researchers unlock memory-boosting ability of omega-3s. 研究人员揭开 omega-3 记忆提升的能力


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