• Integrate AS9120B:2916 requirements into the organization’s core business processes • Define the context of an organization • Identify when risk, counterfeit parts, and product safety should be considered • Identify the essential components of resources needed for compliance • Evaluate when Clause 8.3 Design and Development of Products and Services might be applicable to and aviation, space and defense distributors • Explain the concept of risk-based thinking in AS9120B:2016 • Assess when product safety, human factors, suspect counterfeit parts, and suspected unapproved parts should be considered when making decisions Who Should Attend This seminar is designed for aerospace quality management professionals such as: quality control managers, quality assurance managers, product managers, business development managers and supply chain managers. This course outlines changes in the standard which impact supplier quality in areas such as: distribution, purchasing, sales, product development, service development, and repair station operations. The information presented in this seminar would also compliment other SAE seminars such as, AS9100:2016 Rev D: Transitioning to the New Requirements (I.D.# C1633), or AS9100D Internal Auditor Training (I.D.# C1634). Prerequisites Participants should have a basic knowledge of aerospace quality management processes.
• Control of nonconforming outputs (Clause 8.7) • Performance evaluation (Clause 9) • Improvement (Clause 10) • Human Factors • Managing Risk • Transition timeline & support information • Final wrap up
Instructor: Fee: $1595
George Ringger
1.3 CEUs
Understanding the FAA Aircraft Certification Process 2 Days | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C0821
The task of certifying an aircraft or part can be overwhelming given the lengthy process and the many steps that are required. Understanding the process can greatly enhance the outcome and reduce unnecessary delays or frustrations. This course will provide an overview of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) organizational structure, its policies, guide- lines and requirements leading to Type and Supplemental Type airworthiness approvals. It will also cover the rule-making process and rules applicable to aircraft parts and products. The course will define the roles and responsibilities of the Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), Manufacturing Inspection District Office (MIDO), Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), and the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG). Type and Supplemental Type Certification (TC and STC) processes, and Change Product Rule for alterations and modifications to previously type certified aircraft will be discussed. FAA rule-making process will be examined including review of FAA Orders, Notices, Advisory Circulars and other guidance material. • Manage certification programs more efficiently, schedule the required milestones accordingly, and identify problems and address them promptly • Describe the principles of Type Certification and Supplemental Type Certification requirements and process • Converse intelligently and enter negotiations with others involved in FAA certification programs • Describe the FAA system, FAA orders, Advisory Circulars, FAA rule making process • Define what exemptions and special conditions are and how to obtain them • Identify the difference between airworthiness standard and operational rules Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to:
Topical Outline DAY ONE • Introduction • Recognizing the rationale for AS9120B:2016 • High level structure, Annex SL- purpose • Major changes - ISO9001:2015 • Major changes - AS9120B:2016 • Terms and definitions - AS9120B:2016 • Process approach • Context of the organization (Clause 4) • Leadership (Clause 5)
• Planning (Clause 6) • Support (Clause 7) • Operational planning and control (Clause 8.1) • Requirements for Products and Services (Clause 8.2) • Design and development of products and services (Clause 8.3) DAY TWO • Control of externally provided processes, products, and services (Clause 8.4)
• Production and service provision (Clause 8.5) • Release of products and services (Clause 8.6)
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at sae.org/corplearning | Email us at Corplearn@sae.org
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