2019 SAE Corporate Learning Aero Resource Guide - P18295967


−− Absolute rating −− Gravimetric efficiency −− Filtration (Beta) ratio [Multi-pass test] −− Cyclic flow Multi-pass test (Stabilized cleanliness rating) • Other types of filter tests • Writing a comprehensive filter specification

Filtration and Contamination Control for Aerospace Hydraulic Systems .5 Day | Classroom Seminar (Available for Private Delivery Only) I.D.# C1206 This four-hour short course provides an introduction to contam- ination control principles in aircraft hydraulic systems. Topics covered include an introduction to the types of contamination in aircraft hydraulic systems, contaminant measurement, and reporting methods. In addition, the impact of contamination on hydraulic components is discussed in detail. Along with an introduction to filtration mechanisms, information on testing, rating, and specifying filters will be provided. • Associate the types of contaminant in aircraft hydraulic systems and the problems that uncontrolled contamination can cause • Interpret a particle count or contamination level report • Identify how filters work and are evaluated • Explain filter ratings • Formulate a basic specification for hydraulic filters Who Should Attend The course is intended for engineers with some basic knowledge of hydraulic systems, but with minimal experience with the impact of contamination and specifications of filtration products for controlling it. Prerequisites A basic knowledge of hydraulic systems will be beneficial. Topical Outline • Contamination fundamentals −− What is particulate contamination and what are its sources −− How are contamination levels measured −− Reporting contamination levels in aerospace hydraulic systems −− Measuring and reporting water contamination • Contamination damage −− Types of wear that occur in hydraulic components: Abrasive; Erosive; Fatigue; Adhesive; • Corrosive −− Critical clearances and wear in hydraulic components −− Benefits of controlling particulate contamination −− Benefits of controlling water contamination • Filtration fundamentals −− Types of filters −− Filter construction −− Mechanisms of filtration (how they work) −− Water removal principles • Filter efficiency testing and rating basics −− Nominal rating Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to:

Instructor: Fee: $425

Leonard E. Bensch

.4 CEUs



Flight Control Actuation System Considerations on Architecture Design and

System Installation .5 Day | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C1518

The purpose of this four-hour short course is to provide infor- mation to understand how is established the basic architecture of a Flight Control Actuation System of a transport airplane, i.e. understanding the rationale for the distribution of the control surfaces, power sources, actuators and computers. Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to: • Understand the Flight Control Actuation System main requirements • Identify technical alternatives covering various aspects of Flight Control Actuation System architecture • Identify the impact of some installation constraints on Control Actuation System architecture • Describe various examples of Flight Control Actuation System architectures Who Should Attend This seminar is designed for engineers, executives, and other key personnel with little or no previous flight control knowledge or experience. Topical Outline • Actuation System Architecture Driving Requirements −− Certification −− Particular Risk −− MMEL requirements −− Margin on failure probabilities −− Arbitrary failure conditions to be covered −− Dissimilarity • Actuation System Architecture Design Considerations −− How many control surfaces

−− Balanced vs unbalanced surfaces −− Mechanical vs powered system


3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529  |  Fill out the online quote request at sae.org/corplearning  |  Email us at Corplearn@sae.org

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