Topical Outline SESSION ONE • Modal Analysis and Linear Buckling Analysis −− Analogies and differences between modal analysis with pre- stress linear buckling analysis −− Linear buckling analysis as an entry to nonlinear analysis −− Structural stability
For an overview of FMEA, consider the one-hour on-demand course, Introduction to FMEA: What, Why, When and How (ID# PD531422ON).
Developer: Fee: $395
SAE International
.6 CEUs
SESSION TWO • Nonlinear Geometry Analysis −− Large displacement −− Stress stiffening/softening effect −− Force and displacement boundary conditions • Contact Analysis −− Contact −− Interference −− Bolt connectors
FEA Beyond Basics: Nonlinear Analysis 7 Hours | Web Seminar I.D.# WB1725 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has been an indispensable tool for design simulation for several decades but this wide spread use has been limited to simple types of analyses. Relatively recently, more advanced analyses have given easy to use interfaces enabling design engineers to simulate problems formerly reserved for analysts. This three-session web seminar targets the FEA users who wish to explore those advanced analysis capabilities. The course demonstrates how to move past the ubiquitous linear structural analysis and solve structural nonlinear problems characterized by nonlinear material, large displacements, buckling or nonlinear connectors. The discussion will help participants identify, set up and solve complex nonlinear problems and as well as use results of nonlinear analysis to support the product design process. All topics are illustrated using FEA software, SolidWorks® Simulation, for which participants will be provided a student license (compatible with 64-bit Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, 10; IE 10,11; MS Excel and Word 2010, 2013, 2016) and opportunity to practice skills learned. Acquired skills, however, will not be software specific and no prior exposure to FEA software is required. In-class, hands-on exercises and between-session assignments will provide an opportunity to put what is learned into practice. Learning Objectives By participating in this web seminar, you will be able to: • Identify a need for a nonlinear structural analysis • Identify the types of nonlinearities • Employ correct problem definition and solution strategy • Select applicable modeling techniques • Assess and implement results of nonlinear analysis Who Should Attend The course is intended for design engineers who already have a foundational understanding of FEA but need to elevate its use to an advanced level to predict product behavior more closely. Familiarity or experience with FEA equivalent to or as covered in the Finite Element Analysis for Design Engineers web seminar or on-demand course is recommended.
SESSION THREE • Nonlinear Material Analysis −− Plasticity
−− Residual stress −− Hyper-elasticity
Instructor: Fee: $595
Paul Kurowski
.7 CEUs
FEA Beyond Basics: Thermal Analysis 7 Hours | Web Seminar I.D.# WB1726 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a powerful and well recognized tool used in the analysis of heat transfer problems. However, FEA can only analyze solid bodies and, by necessity thermal analysis with FEA is limited to conductive heat transfer. The other two types of heat transfer: convection and radiation must by approxi- mated by boundary conditions. Modeling all three mechanisms of heat transfer without arbitrary assumption requires a combined use of FEA and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This three-session web seminar is for FEA users who need to expand thermal analysis to include heat transfer in solids and fluids without the use of arbitrary convective or radiative boundary conditions. The course demonstrates how FEA and CFD work together to solve conjugate heat transfer problems producing results that simulate real life problems. All topics are illustrated using FEA software, SolidWorks® Simulation, for which participants will be provided a student license (compatible with 64-bit Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, 10; IE 10,11; MS Excel and Word 2010, 2013, 2016) and opportunity to practice skills learned. Acquired skills, however, will not be software specific and no prior exposure
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at | Email us at
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