Topical Outline SESSION ONE • DRBFM Procedure, Forms, Planning and Preparation −− Process Guide and Workbook Overview −− Scope and Purpose −− Process Map – General Requirements −− Planning – Formats, examples, homework −− Planning Results and Output −− Preparation – Formats, examples, homework −− Preparation Results and Linkage with DRBFM Format −− Definition of Change Section SESSION TWO • DRBFM – Forum 1, Design Review, Action Results and Follow Up −− DRBFM Forum 1 – Engineer analysis −− Change Point definition −− Identification of concerns −− Identification of causes and influences on the vehicle −− Identification of effects −− Identification of severity/priority −− Actions to gain engineering knowledge – evidence SESSION THREE • DRBFM – Forum 2, Design Review, Action Results and Follow Up −− DRBFM Forum 2 – Design Review introduction −− Change Point overview −− Identification of additional concerns −− Identification of additional causes and influences on the product −− Identification of effects −− Identification of severity/priority −− Actions taken to eliminate concerns −− Design actions to gain engineering knowledge – evidence
Introduction to Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) 6 Hours | Web Seminar or On Demand Course I.D. # WB1047 or PD530932ON Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) is a methodol- ogy focused on change management and continuous improve- ment. It centers on early prevention and engineering knowledge, eliminating time spent debating ranking systems, waiting for lead engineers to document and list their concerns, identifying what types of concerns are open for discussion and resolution, and brainstorming without any actionable closure. This course will explain all phases of the DRBFM methodology and provide details on how to accomplish the specific steps. With the “Design Review Based on Failure Modes (DRBFM) and Design Review Based on Test Results (DRBTR) Process Guidebook” that is bundled with the course, the instructor will provide specific information on each step. Formats, examples, notes and homework slides will be used to illustrate the defined steps of the new SAE J2886 DRBFM Recommended Practice. Similarities in content between DRBFM and FMEA will be discussed, however the focus will be on conducting DRBFM methodology. This DRBFM course will provide roles and responsibilities of management, design engineers, manufacturing engineers, facilitators and technical experts. Those interested in DRBFM will benefit from understanding the rationale behind this methodology and learn to guide teams through the paradigm shifts and mind set that are needed. Learning Objectives By participating in this web seminar, you will be able to: • Outline the fundamental steps of DRBFM methodology, including: −− DRBFM Plan and analysis requirements −− Necessary preparation feeding DRBFM analysis −− The two phases of DRBFM analysis −− Documentation of design, validation and manufacturing actions −− Feedback loop into engineering knowledge documents • Explain the intent and format of the DRBFM worksheets • Predict what it takes to gain and maintain proficiency and
−− Validation actions to gain evidence of reliability −− Manufacturing, assembly, and supplier actions −− Action results and feedback to design guidelines −− Roles and responsibilities
Bill Haughey
.6 CEUs
Fee: $615 Web Seminar / $480 RePlay
consistent application of the methodology • Find answers to most DRBFM questions Who Should Attend Product
URL: or
Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, Quality Engineers, Supplier Quality Engineers, Validation and Test Engineers, and Facilitators, Trainers and Consultants in all industries. This web seminar will benefit beginning engineers, advanced and senior engineers and managers who must participate in FMEA’s and DRBFM.
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at | Email us at
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