• Engineering drawing units • Parts lists • General, local, and flag notes • Drawing scale • Multi-sheet drawings
Functional Gaging and Measurement 2 Days | Classroom Seminar I.D.# ET8200 This course teaches an introduction to functional gaging design and how to verify part dimensional requirements using functional gages and other measurement methods. Utilizing the expertise of world-renowned GD&T expert Alex Krulikowski, this course offers an explanation of metrology, the roles of the metrologist and inspector, measurement uncertainty, inspection tools, functional gages, inspection planning and reporting, and simulating datums. Newly acquired learning is reinforced throughout the class with numerous practice problems. The scope of the workshop does not include measurement systems analysis or sampling strategies. For example, the workshop will discuss how to locate a part for inspection on a CMM, but it will not cover how many parts should be inspected to meet AQL levels. Each attendee receives a robust collection of learning resources including: • “Functional Gaging and Measurement Workshop” exercise workbook • Class handouts • 90-day access to the Fundamentals of GD&T ‘94 web training course ($209 value) to practice and reinforce what was learned in the classroom Thousands of students have learned GD&T through Alex Krulikow- ski’s textbooks, self-study courses, computer based training, and online learning center. Students who attend courses like this one walk away with more than knowledge. They gain on-the-job skills because the learning materials are performance-based. Learning Objectives By attending this class, you will be able to: • Describe the functions of inspection in an organization • Define what measurement uncertainty is. • Explain the basic operating principles, strengths, and weaknesses of the three major categories of inspection tools • List the types, uses, and tolerance methods for attribute gages • Explain attribute gage design fundamentals • Develop a measurement / inspection plan • Describe the purpose and content of an inspection report • Inspect and report size dimensions • Describe the basic concepts of datums related to inspection • Understand how to simulate datums for inspection • Verify flatness, straightness, circularity, cylindricity, orientation, position, runout, profile of a surface, and profile of a line tolerance requirements
Line Conventions and Lettering • Line types on drawings • The functions represented by line types • Hierarchy of line types • Lettering
Drawing Views • Orthographic projection • Projection systems
• Single view and multiview drawings • Detail, auxiliary, and assembly views Section Views • Section views • Eight types of section views • Conventional vs. true geometry • Revolution of features • Sectioning of assemblies
Dimensioning and Tolerancing • Practices for metric and English unit dimensions • Expressing tolerance • General tolerances • Definitions • Implied and coaxial relationships • General symbols and abbreviations • Thread, gear, and spline representation and specifications • GD&T standards and symbols • Uses of GD&T
Surface Texture • Surface texture standards • Definition of surface texture • ASME surface texture symbols
Weld Symbols • Weld specifications • Common weld types • Common weld joints
Electric and Electronic Diagrams • Components on electrical and electronic diagrams • Cables and conduits on electrical and electronic diagrams
• Wiring conventions and terminal conventions. • The types of electrical and electronic diagrams
Instructor: Fee: $835
ASME GDTP Senior Certified Trainer
.7 CEUs
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at | Email us at
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