Who Should Attend This course is valuable for individuals who create or interpret engineering drawings, product and gage designers; process, product, and manufacturing engineers; supplier quality engineers/ professionals; CMM operators; buyers/purchasers; checkers; inspectors; technicians; and sales engineers/professionals. Prerequisites Students should have completed Engineering Drawing Require- ments course or equivalent.
Instructor: Fee: $1795
ASME GDTP Senior Certified Trainer
2 CEUs
Fundamentals of GD&T for Inspectors 2 Days | Classroom Seminar I.D.# ET2053 This course teaches an introduction to how to inspect GD&T requirementsUtilizing the expertise of world-renowned GD&T expert Alex Krulikowski, this course offers an explanation of the geometric symbols, rules, and concepts, the datum system, and how to inspect GD&T requirements using tools from the four categories of inspection tools (CMM; comparison instruments and fixed gages; hand tools and open set up; and production gaging systems). Newly acquired learning is reinforced throughout the class with numerous practice problems. The scope of the workshop does not include how to use the various inspection tools. For example, the workshop will discuss how to locate a part for inspection on a CMM, but it will not cover how to program the CMM to gather the data point. Each attendee receives a robust collection of learning resources including: • “The Fundamentals of GD&T Using Critical Thinking Skills” • 90-day access to “Engineering Drawing Requirements” Web Based Training based on ASME Y14.100-2004 and ASME Y14.24-1999, (a $55 value.) to practice and reinforce what was learned in the classroom Thousands of students have learned GD&T through Alex Krulikow- ski’s textbooks, self-study courses, computer based training, and online learning center. Students who attend courses like this one walk away with more than knowledge. They gain on-the-job skills because the learning materials are performance-based. Learning Objectives By attending this class, you will be able to: • Describe inspection and engineering drawings • Explain key terms used in GD&T and how they affect interpretation and inspection • Recognize the modifiers and symbols used in geometric tolerancing • Interpret and inspect Rule #1,Rule #2, flatness, straightness, circularity, cylindricity, perpendicularity, angularity, parallelism, concentricity, symmetry, circular and total runout (ASME Y14.5-2009), by Alex Krulikowski • “GD&T Ultimate Pocket Guide” (2009) • A Fundamentals of GD&T for Inspectors Workbook • Class handouts
Topical Outline Introduction • Drawing standards
• Dimensions, tolerances, and notes • Coordinate tolerancing and GD&T • General dimensioning symbols
Fundamentals • Key GD&T terms • Symbols and modifiers • GD&T rules • GD&T concepts Form • Flatness tolerance • Straightness tolerance • Circularity tolerance • Cylindricity tolerance
Datum System • Datum system • Datum targets
• Size datum features (RMB) • Size datum features (MMB) Orientation • Perpendicularity tolerance
• Parallelism tolerance • Angularity tolerance
Position • Position tolerance introduction • Position tolerance - RFS and MMC • Position tolerance - special applications • Position tolerance - calculations Runout, Concentricity, Symmetry • Circular and total runout tolerances • Concentricity and symmetry tolerances
Profile • Profile tolerance basic concepts • Profile tolerance applications
Course Summary
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