Topical Outline • The Project Management Process −− Project Constraint Triangle −− The ten (10) bodies of Project Management Knowledge −− Types of Project Management Models • Project Plan Life Cycle −− Three types of life cycles: Product, Project, Project Management −− Differentiating between project management and the APQP process −− Major types of Product Development Models −− Major elements of each APQP phase • Project Management Techniques −− Project Charter −− Principles of Integration Management −− Managing project Stakeholders and Sponsors −− Defining, constructing, and recognizing the differences between Letter of Intent, Statement of Requirements, and Statement of Work −− Developing scope of work for conceptual-based (R&D) customers −− Defining and Developing a task-based Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) −− Various types of WBS structures and Levels −− Structure of effective Phase and Design Reviews −− Beyond lessons learned - Project Best Practices and the TGR/ TGW database −− Documentation requirements necessary to support the PM/ APQP/PPAP processes • Resource Planning −− Choosing an organizational structure to support effective Project Management −− Roles and responsibility matrix (RASIC) −− Developing and managing an effective Staffing and Resource Plan −− Surviving as multi-hatted project leader −− Special considerations for small projects • Sequence Planning −− Milestone Charts −− Gantt Charts −− Network Diagrams; PERT and Critical Path Method (CPM) −− Understanding and applying float/slack time −− Techniques to address Fast Tracking and Crashing • Project Costing and Tracking −− Project cost analysis methods and estimating methods −− Recognizing and dealing with Scope Creep −− Control techniques −− Requirements for an effective Change Management System −− Earned Value Analysis (EVA) −− Effective meeting techniques −− Forming and leading project teams −− Establishing Performance Metrics for Project team −− Recognizing and resolving internal and external conflict
documents. Realistic issues, problems and time constraints are introduced throughout the exercise to stimulate actual project environment. Each exercise uses documents specific to the particular areas of study such as Statement of Requirements, Statement of Work, Work Breakdown Structure, timeline development, resource management and reacting to changing situations such as schedule crash. Major milestones of typical OEM APQP processes, to include PPAP, are also discussed. The exercise format is structured so that students must operate in teams and the time constraints allow students to see firsthand the effects of improper delegation of work assignments. Attendees will receive a copy of the book, “PMBOK ® - Project Management Body of Knowledge (6th edition)” by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to: • Define the importance of each of the ten (10) Bodies of Project Management Knowledge and the essential components of APQP by Phase • Recognize the minimum essential elements of both Robust Design (DFSS) and Robust Project Planning • Properly evaluate and differentiate between Statement of Requirement, Statement of Work and Work Breakdown structures • Understand the application of different timeline methodologies: Milestone, Gantt, and Network; PERT and Critical Path • Utilize different types of meeting and conflict resolution strategies, formulate an effective meeting summary and action list, and simulate an actual Design Review • Recognize the pitfalls common to most mobility projects due to improper or incomplete capture of the Voice of the Customer (VOC), current U.S. and international legislation and directives, improper management of limited resources, and others • Beyond the Checklist! - Advanced techniques for Risk Management Who Should Attend New Project Managers, Lead or Design Release Engineers, Account Managers and those requiring refresher training or desiring to learn how to properly apply more advanced project management techniques. Other individuals who are involved with projects such as functional managers and support staff will benefit by attending. The course is best suited for individuals in any of the mobility industry sectors such as automotive, truck, recreational, farming, and mining, to include DOD mobility contracts.. Attendees should be familiar with how projects are currently managed in their company so they may ask questions relating to their specific problem areas. ***Attendee must bring laptop for this course.***
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