Prerequisites Prior CAD experience recommended. Some experience viewing CAD files online. A basic understanding of the purpose and uses of CAD programs. Topical Outline DAY ONE • Introductions • History and Purpose • Additive Manufacturing Technologies Overview and Videos (Process Details, Advantages, and Limitations) −− Overview and F-42 Taxonomy −− Stereolithography −− Fused Deposition Modeling −− Material Jetting −− Directed Energy −− Binder Jetting −− Lamination −− Summary and Discussion • General Setup Procedure Refresher and Overview for printing part demonstration • Day 1 Demonstration via Solid Works • Group Design, Validate, Print Activity hands on activities • Discussion and Wrap-up DAY TWO • Design Overview: Part Design Approach – Managing and Controlling Undesirable and Unintended Variability −− Material and Process Selection −− Part Orientation, Placement −− Defect Prevention −− Empirical Design −− Microstructure Modeling −− Combination and Articulated Parts −− Topological Optimization −− Special Geometry Considerations (biomimetic and organic, lattice structures, cellular structures • Day 2 Demonstration via Solid Works • Group Design, Validate, Print Activity • Group Discussion, Lessons learned on Day 1 and Day 2 Group Activities • Discussion on Barriers to Adoption of Additive Manufacturing • Emerging Research (hybrid, multi-process, inspection, in- site monitoring) • America Makes Road-mapping Overview • Business Overview −− Economic Perspectives −− Future Models −− Cost Factors −− Product Lifecycle Impact −− Selective Laser Sintering −− Electron Beam Melting • Tooling via Additive Manufacturing • Application Overview and Use Case
• Project Risk Management −− Components and construction of an effective Risk Management Plan
−− Addressing product liability using the FMEA and HAZOP −− Risk qualification quantification techniques — Developing effective checklists; Risk Register/Quadrant Mapping, Expected Values Matrix; Probability and Impact Matrix • Procurement Management −− Understanding partner supplier relationships −− Suppliers rating techniques −− Suppliers skill requirements for today’s Product Development Environment
Instructor: Fee: $1595
Angelo E. Mago or Curt Pawloski
1.3 CEUs
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing 2 Days | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C1861 Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a growing segment of advanced manufacturing, because it provides innovative solutions to traditional manufacturing suppliers of the aerospace, medical and automotive industries. Traditionally thought of as small volume and prototyping technology, additive manufacturing is an emerging technology that can be utilized to produce millions of parts per year. This course introduces the skills and knowledge necessary to understand the benefits of additive manufacturing, through hands on experiences with software and additive manufacturing machines. Additionally, the course reviews the numerous technologies associated with additive manufacturing, and it examines economic barriers. Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, through a hands-on experience, you will be able to: • Identify current additive technologies • Describe the part design approach • Explain how to manage and control undesirable and unintended variability • Describe tooling via 3D printing • Identify barriers to utilizing Additive Manufacturing • Explain new technologies and emerging research in Additive Manufacturing Who Should Attend This is an introductory course designed for engineers and technologists who would like to understand the fundamentals of design for additive manufacturing. Individuals in other professional disciplines who are interested in enhancing their knowledge in this arena will also find this course helpful.
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at | Email us at
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