VARIETY Choose from over 300 titles in 22+ technology areas. The most extensive catalog of industry-relevant training among top training providers means we can meet your specific need. CUSTOMIZATION Select from our catalog or let SAE customize a training program. We can also integrate online learning for a “blended solution.” The right course material and the best learning platforms. INDUSTRY RELEVANCE Course instructors are leading academic and industry professionals. Plus, objective industry experts review and approve all SAE courses, assuring course content is relevant and accurate and taught by knowledgeable, experienced professionals. GUARANTEED QUALITY We award the IACET CEU—the original Continuing Education Unit (CEU). By following the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training, this accreditation requires us to meet a stringent standard of high-quality instruction. CONVENIENCE We schedule the instructor, supply the course materials, learning asessments, and post-course evaluation forms and coordinate administrative details like instructor travel and accommodation or online connections. You simply arrange the space and forward supplied instruc- tions to the learners. We strive to make arranging the training as easy as possible.
COST EFFECTIVENESS Whether in-person or online, the instructor comes to you! No staff travel means no time out of the office and no travel expenses. Plus our extensive course catalog makes pricing extremely competitive! Meet your training AND budget obligations. TIMELINESS As the world’s leader in mobility engineering knowledge, our programs are developed and refined to stay ahead of industry trends; we offer only the most up-to-date and knowledgeable instructors supplying timely and relevant information and tools in a highly interactive learning environment.
CURRICULUM CERTIFICATES Need a directed learning plan to meet a specific
technology or business goal? SAE multi-course, curriculum certificates offer a directed map of training in a specific technology area. Choose an established certificate program for your group or work with a Corporate Learning Solutions Representative to scope out a program business or technical need.
What determines the cost of Corporate Learning Solutions? • The length of the program (number of days or hours of learning contact time) or quantity of courses • The learning materials—some courses include textbooks, learning materials, and other job aids
• The number of participants
• Requested customizations
• The instructor’s travel expenses or connection fees
These variables are used to calculate a base fee (typically based on 10 participants). The fee increases as more participants are added.
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