Secrets No More Director of Therapeutics reconciles with his own history of abuse and addiction
INSERT 10 As the director of therapeutics for Divine Light, Anthony Cubbage embodies responsibility - he is quick to take care of business and lend a hand to staff and clients alike. Cubbage learned recovery as a client at Divine Light by embracing openness and honesty, and trudged through his own guilt and shame to find his way. Now, it’s his job to facilitate the same revelatory experience in the minds of newcomers, identifying personally with their life experiences. Cubbage has been through his own 30-plus year addiction cycle and spent 10 years in prison for a robbery charge and previous offenses, he says. He was also molested by a basketball coach at age 12, and he can remember acting out by getting high, selling drugs, and being “out of control” to cope with the dark secret he couldn’t share. “A black cloud came over the sky and I went crazy for 30 years,” he says. “I finally found someone who I was comfortable enough talking to. It was like the weight was lifted off my shoulders.” - Anthony Cubbage director of therapeutics at Divine Light 46
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